Hello Swami,
Yes, the codes are better now.
You could refer to KB artilce "HOW TO: Handle Database Transactions by Using the .NET Framework Without Using COM+
and MSDTC"
Thanks very much.
Best regards,
Yanhong Huang
Microsoft Online Partner Support
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!From: "Swami Muthuvelu" <
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!Sender: "Swami Muthuvelu" <
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!Subject: RE: SqlTransaction
!Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2003 06:13:46 -0700
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!Thanks for your reply.
!Can you please also tell me how to define the transaction
!object?. Should it be like this?
!Dim trans As SqlClient.SqlTransaction
!trans = adp.SelectCommand.Connection.BeginTransaction
!and then,
!data_adapterSelectcommand.Transaction = trans
!data_adapter.InsertCommand.Transaction = trans
!data_adapter.UpdateCommand.Transaction = trans
!data_adapter.DeleteCommand.Transaction = trans
!Please help me on this.
!>-----Original Message-----
!>Hello Swami,
!>When you are using a CommandBuilder and you want to use
!transactions, you must associate the transaction with the
!>SelectCommand of the DataAdapter before calling Update.
!Then, the CommandBuilder will automatically enlist all
!>generated commands in the transaction when you call
!>For an example:
!>data_adapterSelectcommand.Transaction = trans;
!>data_adapter.InsertCommand.Transaction = trans;
!>data_adapter.UpdateCommand.Transaction = trans;
!>data_adapter.DeleteCommand.Transaction = trans;
!>Hope it helps.
!>Best regards,
!>Yanhong Huang
!>Microsoft Online Partner Support
!>Get Secure! -
!>This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and
!confers no rights.
!>!Content-Class: urn:content-classes:message
!>!From: "Swami Muthuvelu" <
[email protected]>
!>!Sender: "Swami Muthuvelu" <
[email protected]>
!>!Subject: SqlTransaction
!>!Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2003 16:51:22 -0700
!>!Lines: 38
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!>!X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.public.dotnet.general
!>!I using command builder to generate my insert, update
!>!delete statements..something like,
!>!data_adapter = New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(SQL,
!>!command_builder = New SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder
!>!After filling a data grid and making changes to the
!>!I want to call the adapter.Update method in a database
!>!transaction, so that I can rollback the transaction, if
!>!the update fails..
!>!This is my code, for that..
!>!Dim trans As SqlClient.SqlTransaction
!>!trans = adp.SelectCommand.Connection.BeginTransaction
!>!In the adp.Update(ds) line, I get the exception,
!>!"Execute requires the command to have a transaction
!>!when the connection assigned to the command is in a
!>!pending local transaction. The Transaction property of
!>!the command has not been initialized."
!>!What am I doing wrong..?
!>!Please help with a code snippet.