Finn J Johnsen
Is there a way to generate a sdf -file on a PC, and move it for the
SQLServerCE -device for usage there?
I've got aprox 100 000 records to insert to the sdf -file, and have
built a webservice for fetching chunks of records, inserting it to the
sdf. This process takes hours. I guess overhead in Webservices to be the
cause, and figure a TCP sollution would speed things up. However, doing
all of this - serverside would be the quickest I'm sure.
Using a pocketPC/winCE emulator on the server, generating sdf would do
the trick I guess. But smells messy.
Is there a way to generate a sdf -file on a PC, and move it for the
SQLServerCE -device for usage there?
I've got aprox 100 000 records to insert to the sdf -file, and have
built a webservice for fetching chunks of records, inserting it to the
sdf. This process takes hours. I guess overhead in Webservices to be the
cause, and figure a TCP sollution would speed things up. However, doing
all of this - serverside would be the quickest I'm sure.
Using a pocketPC/winCE emulator on the server, generating sdf would do
the trick I guess. But smells messy.