Hello all,
I had some code that forgot (or should I say I forgot) to
call Dispose on a SqlDataAdapter, so I thought it will be
okay since SqlDataAdapter inherits via Component so the
inherited Dispose/Finalize pattern would be picked up.
However, after poking around with a decompiler I notice
that within the constructor of SqlDataAdapter the call to
GC.SuppressFinalize() is made so because my code forgot
to call Dispose, the cleanup code will never be called
via the overriden Finalizer in Component.
Does anyone haveany thoughts on the rationale behind the
SqlDataAdpater choosing to call GC.SuppressFinalize() in
its constructor.
I had some code that forgot (or should I say I forgot) to
call Dispose on a SqlDataAdapter, so I thought it will be
okay since SqlDataAdapter inherits via Component so the
inherited Dispose/Finalize pattern would be picked up.
However, after poking around with a decompiler I notice
that within the constructor of SqlDataAdapter the call to
GC.SuppressFinalize() is made so because my code forgot
to call Dispose, the cleanup code will never be called
via the overriden Finalizer in Component.
Does anyone haveany thoughts on the rationale behind the
SqlDataAdpater choosing to call GC.SuppressFinalize() in
its constructor.