A minute before taking your advise - There are times where I don't take the DataReader path because it holds exclusively on to the connection object. When working on a server application it seems bad manners to do so. What do you think?
Remark - One can argue that since we are filling cache of a closed list (no more 200 stored-procedures) this is a "one time" thing.
Thank you, Gad.
Gad, The code looks good. One comment: It would be good to use DataReader in this case, as you dont want to store the data in the cache.
Sushil Chordia.
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1. My suggestion for workaround.
I'm referring to the following code in function DiscoverSpParameterSet() in Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data.SqlHelperParameterCache:
if (!includeReturnValueParameter)
SqlParameter[] discoveredParameters = new SqlParameter[cmd.Parameters.Count];
cmd.Parameters.CopyTo(discoveredParameters, 0);
New code:
using( DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset( connection, CommandType.Text, String.Concat( @"exec sp_procedure_params_rowset @procedure_name = N'", spName, "'" ) ) )
if( ds != null && ds.Tables != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 )
DataTable spParams = ds.Tables[0];
if( spParams != null && spParams.Rows != null && spParams.Rows.Count > 0 )
Hashtable paramsOfSp = new Hashtable();
short i = 0;
byte hasDefault = 0;
bool hd = true;
foreach( DataRow dr in spParams.Rows )
hasDefault = ( byte )DbNullToDefault( dr["PARAMETER_HASDEFAULT"], ( byte )0 );
if( hasDefault == 0 )
hd = false;
paramsOfSp.Add(DbNullToDefault( dr["ORDINAL_POSITION"], i),
( String )DbNullToDefault( dr["PARAMETER_NAME"], String.Empty ),
( short )DbNullToDefault( dr["DATA_TYPE"], ( short )4 ),
( short )DbNullToDefault( dr["PARAMETER_TYPE"], ( short )1 ),
( bool )DbNullToDefault( dr["IS_NULLABLE"], false ),
( int )DbNullToDefault( dr["CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH"], ( int )4 ),
( short )DbNullToDefault( dr["NUMERIC_PRECISION"], ( short )4 ),
( short )DbNullToDefault( dr["NUMERIC_SCALE"], ( short )0 ),
DbNullToDefault( dr["PARAMETER_DEFAULT"], null ),
( String )DbNullToDefault( dr["TYPE_NAME"], String.Empty )) );
for( short j = 0; j< i; j++ )
cmd.Parameters.Add( paramsOfSp[j] );
return null;
return null;
catch( Exception ee )
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( String.Format("{0}\n{1}", ee.Message, ee.StackTrace ) );
return null;
This relies on:
public static object DbNullToDefault(object value, object defualtReturn)
if((value == null) || DBNull.Value.Equals(value))
return defualtReturn;
return value;
Couple of remarks:
1. It may be that it won't compile! Appologies, but this is extracted from code that was modified from Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data.
2. It totally relies on the structure of sp_procedure_params_rowset.
3. Any corrections-suggestions are very welcomed.
2. I opened a bug.