It's not a chatroom. He didn't read the help for any of the questions, best
I can tell, and *certainly* didn't check the archives before posting a
series of questions so close together in time that they show one right after
the other in my sorted-by-date view (less than a 2 hour span). The sequence
of steps to find an answer to a question for a newbie should be:
1. Search for the answer in help, amongst the samples installed with the
various products that you have for the development project, and in the
readme files.
2. Search for the answer or samples.
3. Search the Web generally for questions/answers pages on the topic (this
generally happens before you realize there is this newsgroup).
4. Search the newsgroup archives for similar questions (once you realize
that there is a newsgroup).
5. Ask.
Since 1-4 takes all of maybe half-a-day, I don't consider that a big
investment before chewing up the time of the newsgroup readers on what would
almost surely be a FAQ (messages from the user in question below: "What
DialogResult is returned when I click on "OK" icon of dialog form at right
top curner?", "How can I create form that doesn't appear on full screen
(like standard dialog messages)?", "How can I use DataSet in Compact
Framework?", "How can I create and link SqlCeDataAdapter to some table and
generate SQL commannds in Compact Framework?").
Paul T.