SQL Update - DataViewRow

  • Thread starter Thread starter Stephen Plotnick
  • Start date Start date

Stephen Plotnick

I'm very new to VB.NET 2003

Here is what I have accomplished:

MainSelectForm - Selects an item

In a public class I pass a DataViewRow to

ItemInformation1 Form
ItemInformation2 Form
ItemInformation7 Form

I am able to get from the DataViewRow
I am able to put data back into the DataViewRow
As I go Forward and Backwards between the ItemInformationForm[1-7] all the
data I change is available and working

I feel pretty good about my first attempt to VB.NET

Now what I want to do:

Setup a button on all ItemInformation[1-7] Forms to do an update
In the public class setup a variable that I can change when clicking on the
Update button to denote an update is needed

From within MainSelectForm do the update from the DataViewRow in the public

My questions are:

1. How do I check the Update Flag? (I've migrated from COBOL where I would
be able to check the update flag in a linkage section, I do not know how to
do this in OO because I do not have control)
2. IS the a way to do an SQL Update via the DataViewRow without having to do
the Update listing all the fields and the WHERE clause, I have over 100
3. I should be able to click an Update button from within any Form and close
Form after Form until getting back to MainSelectForm where the Update would

Any assistance would be greatly apprecited,

You have given a lot of information and still it is not easy to help you.
Therefore some explanations.

A datarowview is a view on a datarow not to real datarow. You can get it by

If you do an update than you can do using the DataAdapter a datarow, there
is nothing wrong with.

If you need more information, because we are here very basic.
- did you generate the dataadapter (and with that the update commands)
- what controls did you use
- did you use databinding

I hope this helps sofar,

Thanks for the help!

I use two data adapters; the first is used to great the data grid. After a
record is selected via the DataGrid or a lookup field and button to execute
the value in the field and find the record from a second data adapter that
was greated with a "SELECT *".

Onve I find the DataViewRow within the second data adapter I pass it in the
Public class to all the forms. I can get data to and get back into the
dataviewrow without any incident. I'm assuming that at any point in any of
the screens I could do the update from the DataViewRow (I'd have no idea how
to do this). My goes would be that an "Update" button would reside on each
form and if the users clicks the Update button an UpdateFlag in the Public
CLass would be set.

At that point I want to check the Update Flag and keep going backwards until
I get to the main form and perform an update using the values in the

I than stay in the main form and the user can select another item and go
from there.

Private Sub PopulateStoreGrid()

Dim conn As New
source=C:\BMActivityReporting.mdb;Persist Security Info=False")


Dim sSQL2 As String = "select * from BENMOORETABLE"


Dim da As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(sSQL, conn)

Dim da2 As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(sSQL2, conn)


da.Fill(myDS, "BENMOOR1")

iCount = myDS.Tables("BENMOOR1").Rows.Count

da2.Fill(myDS, "BENMOOR2")

myDV = myDS.Tables("BENMOOR2").DefaultView

DataGrid1.DataSource = myDS

DataGrid1.DataMember = "BENMOOR1"

Dim irow As Integer

Dim icol As Integer

irow = 0


Dim sStore As String = CType(DataGrid1.Item(irow, 1), String)


Dim rowIndex As Integer = myDV.Find(sStore)

Me.LegalName1.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("LEGAL_NAME_LINE1").ToString()

Me.LegalName2.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("LEGAL_NAME_LINE2").ToString()

Me.StoreOwner.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("STORE_OWNER").ToString()

Me.PhoneNumber.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("PHONE_NUMBER").ToString()

Me.LegalName3.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("LEGAL_NAME_LINE3").ToString()

Me.LegalName4.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("LEGAL_NAME_LINE4").ToString()

Me.EMailAddress.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("E-MAIL_ADDRESS").ToString()


Catch ex As Exception

MessageBox.Show("Failed to connect to data source")



End Try

End Sub

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

myFormLibrary.StoreInformation1 = Me

myFormLibrary.StoreInformation2 = Me

myFormLibrary.StoreInformation4 = Me

myFormLibrary.StoreInformation4 = Me

myFormLibrary.StoreInformation5 = Me

myFormLibrary.StoreInformation6 = Me

myFormLibrary.StoreInformation7 = Me



' Create a Grid Table Style. Map it to the "Customers" Table.


Dim aGridTableStyle As New DataGridTableStyle

aGridTableStyle.MappingName = "BENMOOR1"


' Create GridColumnStyle objects for the grid columns


Dim aCol1 As New DataGridTextBoxColumn

Dim aCol2 As New DataGridTextBoxColumn

Dim aCol3 As New DataGridTextBoxColumn

Dim aCol4 As New DataGridTextBoxColumn

Dim aCol5 As New DataGridTextBoxColumn

Dim aCol6 As New DataGridTextBoxColumn


With aCol1

..HeaderText = "BM#"

..MappingName = "BM_NUMBER"

..Width = 45

..TextBox.Enabled = False

End With


' Set column 2's caption, width and disable editing.


With aCol2

..MappingName = "STORE_NUMBER"

..HeaderText = "Store#"

..Width = 40

..Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left

..TextBox.Enabled = False

End With

With aCol3

..MappingName = "STORE"

..HeaderText = "Store Name"

..Width = 200

..Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left

' .NullText = ""

..TextBox.Enabled = False

End With

With aCol4

..MappingName = "ADDRESS"

..HeaderText = "Store Address"

..Width = 200

..Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left

'.NullText = "0"

..TextBox.Enabled = False

'.Format = "#0.00"

End With

With aCol5

..MappingName = "CITY"

..HeaderText = "CIty"

..Width = 100

..Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left

'.NullText = "0"

..TextBox.Enabled = False

'.Format = "#0.00"

End With

With aCol6

..MappingName = "STATE"

..HeaderText = "St."

..Width = 30

..Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left

'.NullText = "0"

..TextBox.Enabled = False

'.Format = "#0.00"

End With


' Add the GridColumnStyles to the DataGrid's Column Styles collection.


With aGridTableStyle.GridColumnStyles







End With


' Add the GridColumnStyles to the aGridTableStyle.



End Sub

Private Sub DataGrid1_DoubleClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles DataGrid1.DoubleClick

Dim StoreNo1 As String

Dim Storeno2 As String

Dim checkarea As String

Dim irow As Integer = DataGrid1.CurrentCell.RowNumber

Dim sStore As String = CType(DataGrid1.Item(irow, 1), String)


Dim rowIndex As Integer = myDV.Find(sStore)

Dim frminfo As New StoreInformation

'Set up values for storeinfor screen

frminfo.LegalName1.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("LEGAL_NAME_LINE1").ToString()

frminfo.LegalName2.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("LEGAL_NAME_LINE2").ToString()

frminfo.StoreOwner.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("STORE_OWNER").ToString()

frminfo.PhoneNumber.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("PHONE_NUMBER").ToString()

frminfo.LegalName3.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("LEGAL_NAME_LINE3").ToString()

frminfo.LegalName4.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("LEGAL_NAME_LINE4").ToString()

frminfo.EMailAddress.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("E-MAIL_ADDRESS").ToString()

StoreNo1 = myDV(rowIndex)("STORE_NUMBER").ToString()

Storeno2 = myDV(rowIndex)("PARENT_STORE_NUMBER").ToString()

frminfo.StoreNo.Text = StoreNo1 & " / " & Storeno2

StoreNo1 = myDV(rowIndex)("BM_NUMBER").ToString()

Storeno2 = myDV(rowIndex)("CURR").ToString()

frminfo.BMNUMBER.Text = StoreNo1 & " / " & Storeno2

frminfo.MailToName.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("MAIL_NAME").ToString()

frminfo.MailToAdd1.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("MAIL_ADDRESS1").ToString()

frminfo.MailToAdd2.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("MAIL_ADDRESS2").ToString()

frminfo.MailToCity.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("MAIL_CITY").ToString()

frminfo.MailToState.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("MAIL_ST").ToString()

frminfo.MailToZip.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("MAIL_ZIPCODE").ToString()

frminfo.ShipToName.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("STORE").ToString()

frminfo.ShipToAdd1.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("SHIP_ADDRESS1").ToString()

frminfo.ShipToAdd2.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("SHIP_ADDRESS2").ToString()

frminfo.ShipToCity.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("SHIP_CITY").ToString()

frminfo.ShipToCounty.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("COUNTY").ToString()

frminfo.ShipToState.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("SHIP_ST").ToString()

frminfo.ShipToZip.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("MAIL_ZIPCODE").ToString()

frminfo.SupplierRepTop1.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("PAINT_TERRITORY_MANAGE_

frminfo.SupplierRepTop2.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("REGIONAL_MANAGER").ToString()

frminfo.SupplierRepTop3.Text =

frminfo.SupplierRepTop4.Text =

frminfo.SupplierRepTop5.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("RETAI_DEVELOPMENT_MANAGE

Dim frminfo1 As New StoreInformation1

'Set up values for storeinform1 screen

frminfo1.LegalName1.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("LEGAL_NAME_LINE1").ToString()

frminfo1.LegalName2.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("LEGAL_NAME_LINE2").ToString()

frminfo1.StoreOwner.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("STORE_OWNER").ToString()

frminfo1.PhoneNumber.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("PHONE_NUMBER").ToString()

frminfo1.LegalName3.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("LEGAL_NAME_LINE3").ToString()

frminfo1.LegalName4.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("LEGAL_NAME_LINE4").ToString()

frminfo1.EMailAddress.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("E-MAIL_ADDRESS").ToString()

StoreNo1 = myDV(rowIndex)("STORE_NUMBER").ToString()

Storeno2 = myDV(rowIndex)("PARENT_STORE_NUMBER").ToString()

frminfo1.StoreNo.Text = StoreNo1 & " / " & Storeno2

StoreNo1 = myDV(rowIndex)("BM_NUMBER").ToString()

Storeno2 = myDV(rowIndex)("CURR").ToString()

frminfo1.BMNUMBER.Text = StoreNo1 & " / " & Storeno2

frminfo1.ApprovalDate.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("APPROVAL_DATE").ToString()

frminfo1.Vision21Rank.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("VISION21_RANK").ToString()

frminfo1.NoBranches.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("NUMBER_BRANCHES").ToString()

frminfo1.ComputerType.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("COMPUTER_TYPE").ToString()

frminfo1.CYL.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("CYL").ToString()

frminfo1.TotBldgSF.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("TOTAL_BLDG_SF").ToString()

frminfo1.RetailHDWSF.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("RET_ HDW_SF").ToString()

frminfo1.PaintDeptSF.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("PNT_DEPT_SF").ToString()

frminfo1.PaintComputer.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("PAINT_COMPUTER").ToString()

frminfo1.PrattLambertOSO.Text =

checkarea = myDV(rowIndex)("BEHR").ToString()

If checkarea = "Y" Then

frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(0, CheckState.Checked)


frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(0, CheckState.Unchecked)

End If

checkarea = myDV(rowIndex)("BEN_MOOR").ToString()

If checkarea = "Y" Then

frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(1, CheckState.Checked)


frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(1, CheckState.Unchecked)

End If

checkarea = myDV(rowIndex)("CALIF").ToString()

If checkarea = "Y" Then

frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(2, CheckState.Checked)


frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(2, CheckState.Unchecked)

End If

checkarea = myDV(rowIndex)("COLONY").ToString()

If checkarea = "Y" Then

frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(3, CheckState.Checked)


frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(3, CheckState.Unchecked)

End If

checkarea = myDV(rowIndex)("DEVOE").ToString()

If checkarea = "Y" Then

frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(4, CheckState.Checked)


frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(4, CheckState.Unchecked)

End If

checkarea = myDV(rowIndex)("DUTCH_BOY").ToString()

If checkarea = "Y" Then

frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(5, CheckState.Checked)


frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(5, CheckState.Unchecked)

End If

checkarea = myDV(rowIndex)("FULLER_ O_BRIEN").ToString()

If checkarea = "Y" Then

frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(6, CheckState.Checked)


frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(6, CheckState.Unchecked)

End If

checkarea = myDV(rowIndex)("GLIDDEN").ToString()

If checkarea = "Y" Then

frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(7, CheckState.Checked)


frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(7, CheckState.Unchecked)

End If

checkarea = myDV(rowIndex)("LUCITE").ToString()

If checkarea = "Y" Then

frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(8, CheckState.Checked)


frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(8, CheckState.Unchecked)

End If

checkarea = myDV(rowIndex)("MARTIN_SENOUR").ToString()

If checkarea = "Y" Then

frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(9, CheckState.Checked)


frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(9, CheckState.Unchecked)

End If

checkarea = myDV(rowIndex)("OLYMPIC").ToString()

If checkarea = "Y" Then

frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(10, CheckState.Checked)


frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(10, CheckState.Unchecked)

End If

checkarea = myDV(rowIndex)("OTHER_PAINT").ToString()

If checkarea = "Y" Then

frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(11, CheckState.Checked)


frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(11, CheckState.Unchecked)

End If

checkarea = myDV(rowIndex)("PITTS").ToString()

If checkarea = "Y" Then

frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(12, CheckState.Checked)


frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(12, CheckState.Unchecked)

End If

checkarea = myDV(rowIndex)("PORTERS").ToString()

If checkarea = "Y" Then

frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(13, CheckState.Checked)


frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(13, CheckState.Unchecked)

End If

checkarea = myDV(rowIndex)("PPG").ToString()

If checkarea = "Y" Then

frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(14, CheckState.Checked)


frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(14, CheckState.Unchecked)

End If

checkarea = myDV(rowIndex)("PRATT").ToString()

If checkarea = "Y" Then

frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(15, CheckState.Checked)


frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(15, CheckState.Unchecked)

End If

checkarea = myDV(rowIndex)("RALPH_LAUREN").ToString()

If checkarea = "Y" Then

frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(16, CheckState.Checked)


frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(16, CheckState.Unchecked)

End If

checkarea = myDV(rowIndex)("VALSPAR").ToString()

If checkarea = "Y" Then

frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(17, CheckState.Checked)


frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(17, CheckState.Unchecked)

End If

checkarea = myDV(rowIndex)("VAN_SICKLE").ToString()

If checkarea = "Y" Then

frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(18, CheckState.Checked)


frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(18, CheckState.Unchecked)

End If

frminfo.myDVR = myDV(rowIndex) 'or myDV.Item(rowIndex)


End Sub

I know there is a lot of code here; hopefully someone understands what I'm
doing and I'm not wasting lots of efforts on something that could be done

From the most novice VB.NET 2003 (maybe 5 weeks self taught).



Cor Ligthert said:

You have given a lot of information and still it is not easy to help you.
Therefore some explanations.

A datarowview is a view on a datarow not to real datarow. You can get it

If you do an update than you can do using the DataAdapter a datarow, there
is nothing wrong with.

If you need more information, because we are here very basic.
- did you generate the dataadapter (and with that the update commands)
- what controls did you use
- did you use databinding

I hope this helps sofar,


Stephen Plotnick said:
I'm very new to VB.NET 2003

Here is what I have accomplished:

MainSelectForm - Selects an item

In a public class I pass a DataViewRow to

ItemInformation1 Form
ItemInformation2 Form
ItemInformation7 Form

I am able to get from the DataViewRow
I am able to put data back into the DataViewRow
As I go Forward and Backwards between the ItemInformationForm[1-7] all
the data I change is available and working

I feel pretty good about my first attempt to VB.NET

Now what I want to do:

Setup a button on all ItemInformation[1-7] Forms to do an update
In the public class setup a variable that I can change when clicking on
the Update button to denote an update is needed

From within MainSelectForm do the update from the DataViewRow in the
public class

My questions are:

1. How do I check the Update Flag? (I've migrated from COBOL where I
would be able to check the update flag in a linkage section, I do not
know how to do this in OO because I do not have control)
2. IS the a way to do an SQL Update via the DataViewRow without having to
do the Update listing all the fields and the WHERE clause, I have over
100 fields?
3. I should be able to click an Update button from within any Form and
close Form after Form until getting back to MainSelectForm where the
Update would occur

Any assistance would be greatly apprecited,

It is really to much code to investigate in a newsgroup.

If it is so much than it is better to make a simple sample and try that
yourself first, that is easier to communicate about.

However, if I look to this code, than I get the idea that you try to enter
data using the datagrid.
That is the last thing you should do.

On our website are many samples about the use of the datagrid. Have a look
at some of those, I have selected one for you.

Be aware that if you want to use seperated textboxes or whatever, than you
can use databinding to those controls. The bindingmanager takes than care
that you select the same row in the datagrid as the information in your


I hope that this is a start.

Stephen Plotnick said:
Thanks for the help!

I use two data adapters; the first is used to great the data grid. After a
record is selected via the DataGrid or a lookup field and button to
execute the value in the field and find the record from a second data
adapter that was greated with a "SELECT *".

Onve I find the DataViewRow within the second data adapter I pass it in
the Public class to all the forms. I can get data to and get back into the
dataviewrow without any incident. I'm assuming that at any point in any of
the screens I could do the update from the DataViewRow (I'd have no idea
how to do this). My goes would be that an "Update" button would reside on
each form and if the users clicks the Update button an UpdateFlag in the
Public CLass would be set.

At that point I want to check the Update Flag and keep going backwards
until I get to the main form and perform an update using the values in the

I than stay in the main form and the user can select another item and go
from there.

Private Sub PopulateStoreGrid()

Dim conn As New
source=C:\BMActivityReporting.mdb;Persist Security Info=False")


Dim sSQL2 As String = "select * from BENMOORETABLE"


Dim da As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(sSQL, conn)

Dim da2 As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(sSQL2, conn)


da.Fill(myDS, "BENMOOR1")

iCount = myDS.Tables("BENMOOR1").Rows.Count

da2.Fill(myDS, "BENMOOR2")

myDV = myDS.Tables("BENMOOR2").DefaultView

DataGrid1.DataSource = myDS

DataGrid1.DataMember = "BENMOOR1"

Dim irow As Integer

Dim icol As Integer

irow = 0


Dim sStore As String = CType(DataGrid1.Item(irow, 1), String)


Dim rowIndex As Integer = myDV.Find(sStore)

Me.LegalName1.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("LEGAL_NAME_LINE1").ToString()

Me.LegalName2.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("LEGAL_NAME_LINE2").ToString()

Me.StoreOwner.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("STORE_OWNER").ToString()

Me.PhoneNumber.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("PHONE_NUMBER").ToString()

Me.LegalName3.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("LEGAL_NAME_LINE3").ToString()

Me.LegalName4.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("LEGAL_NAME_LINE4").ToString()

Me.EMailAddress.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("E-MAIL_ADDRESS").ToString()


Catch ex As Exception

MessageBox.Show("Failed to connect to data source")



End Try

End Sub

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

myFormLibrary.StoreInformation1 = Me

myFormLibrary.StoreInformation2 = Me

myFormLibrary.StoreInformation4 = Me

myFormLibrary.StoreInformation4 = Me

myFormLibrary.StoreInformation5 = Me

myFormLibrary.StoreInformation6 = Me

myFormLibrary.StoreInformation7 = Me



' Create a Grid Table Style. Map it to the "Customers" Table.


Dim aGridTableStyle As New DataGridTableStyle

aGridTableStyle.MappingName = "BENMOOR1"


' Create GridColumnStyle objects for the grid columns


Dim aCol1 As New DataGridTextBoxColumn

Dim aCol2 As New DataGridTextBoxColumn

Dim aCol3 As New DataGridTextBoxColumn

Dim aCol4 As New DataGridTextBoxColumn

Dim aCol5 As New DataGridTextBoxColumn

Dim aCol6 As New DataGridTextBoxColumn


With aCol1

.HeaderText = "BM#"

.MappingName = "BM_NUMBER"

.Width = 45

.TextBox.Enabled = False

End With


' Set column 2's caption, width and disable editing.


With aCol2

.MappingName = "STORE_NUMBER"

.HeaderText = "Store#"

.Width = 40

.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left

.TextBox.Enabled = False

End With

With aCol3

.MappingName = "STORE"

.HeaderText = "Store Name"

.Width = 200

.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left

' .NullText = ""

.TextBox.Enabled = False

End With

With aCol4

.MappingName = "ADDRESS"

.HeaderText = "Store Address"

.Width = 200

.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left

'.NullText = "0"

.TextBox.Enabled = False

'.Format = "#0.00"

End With

With aCol5

.MappingName = "CITY"

.HeaderText = "CIty"

.Width = 100

.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left

'.NullText = "0"

.TextBox.Enabled = False

'.Format = "#0.00"

End With

With aCol6

.MappingName = "STATE"

.HeaderText = "St."

.Width = 30

.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left

'.NullText = "0"

.TextBox.Enabled = False

'.Format = "#0.00"

End With


' Add the GridColumnStyles to the DataGrid's Column Styles collection.


With aGridTableStyle.GridColumnStyles







End With


' Add the GridColumnStyles to the aGridTableStyle.



End Sub

Private Sub DataGrid1_DoubleClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles DataGrid1.DoubleClick

Dim StoreNo1 As String

Dim Storeno2 As String

Dim checkarea As String

Dim irow As Integer = DataGrid1.CurrentCell.RowNumber

Dim sStore As String = CType(DataGrid1.Item(irow, 1), String)


Dim rowIndex As Integer = myDV.Find(sStore)

Dim frminfo As New StoreInformation

'Set up values for storeinfor screen

frminfo.LegalName1.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("LEGAL_NAME_LINE1").ToString()

frminfo.LegalName2.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("LEGAL_NAME_LINE2").ToString()

frminfo.StoreOwner.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("STORE_OWNER").ToString()

frminfo.PhoneNumber.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("PHONE_NUMBER").ToString()

frminfo.LegalName3.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("LEGAL_NAME_LINE3").ToString()

frminfo.LegalName4.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("LEGAL_NAME_LINE4").ToString()

frminfo.EMailAddress.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("E-MAIL_ADDRESS").ToString()

StoreNo1 = myDV(rowIndex)("STORE_NUMBER").ToString()

Storeno2 = myDV(rowIndex)("PARENT_STORE_NUMBER").ToString()

frminfo.StoreNo.Text = StoreNo1 & " / " & Storeno2

StoreNo1 = myDV(rowIndex)("BM_NUMBER").ToString()

Storeno2 = myDV(rowIndex)("CURR").ToString()

frminfo.BMNUMBER.Text = StoreNo1 & " / " & Storeno2

frminfo.MailToName.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("MAIL_NAME").ToString()

frminfo.MailToAdd1.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("MAIL_ADDRESS1").ToString()

frminfo.MailToAdd2.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("MAIL_ADDRESS2").ToString()

frminfo.MailToCity.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("MAIL_CITY").ToString()

frminfo.MailToState.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("MAIL_ST").ToString()

frminfo.MailToZip.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("MAIL_ZIPCODE").ToString()

frminfo.ShipToName.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("STORE").ToString()

frminfo.ShipToAdd1.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("SHIP_ADDRESS1").ToString()

frminfo.ShipToAdd2.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("SHIP_ADDRESS2").ToString()

frminfo.ShipToCity.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("SHIP_CITY").ToString()

frminfo.ShipToCounty.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("COUNTY").ToString()

frminfo.ShipToState.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("SHIP_ST").ToString()

frminfo.ShipToZip.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("MAIL_ZIPCODE").ToString()

frminfo.SupplierRepTop1.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("PAINT_TERRITORY_MANAGE_

frminfo.SupplierRepTop2.Text =

frminfo.SupplierRepTop3.Text =

frminfo.SupplierRepTop4.Text =

frminfo.SupplierRepTop5.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("RETAI_DEVELOPMENT_MANAGE

Dim frminfo1 As New StoreInformation1

'Set up values for storeinform1 screen

frminfo1.LegalName1.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("LEGAL_NAME_LINE1").ToString()

frminfo1.LegalName2.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("LEGAL_NAME_LINE2").ToString()

frminfo1.StoreOwner.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("STORE_OWNER").ToString()

frminfo1.PhoneNumber.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("PHONE_NUMBER").ToString()

frminfo1.LegalName3.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("LEGAL_NAME_LINE3").ToString()

frminfo1.LegalName4.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("LEGAL_NAME_LINE4").ToString()

frminfo1.EMailAddress.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("E-MAIL_ADDRESS").ToString()

StoreNo1 = myDV(rowIndex)("STORE_NUMBER").ToString()

Storeno2 = myDV(rowIndex)("PARENT_STORE_NUMBER").ToString()

frminfo1.StoreNo.Text = StoreNo1 & " / " & Storeno2

StoreNo1 = myDV(rowIndex)("BM_NUMBER").ToString()

Storeno2 = myDV(rowIndex)("CURR").ToString()

frminfo1.BMNUMBER.Text = StoreNo1 & " / " & Storeno2

frminfo1.ApprovalDate.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("APPROVAL_DATE").ToString()

frminfo1.Vision21Rank.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("VISION21_RANK").ToString()

frminfo1.NoBranches.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("NUMBER_BRANCHES").ToString()

frminfo1.ComputerType.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("COMPUTER_TYPE").ToString()

frminfo1.CYL.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("CYL").ToString()

frminfo1.TotBldgSF.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("TOTAL_BLDG_SF").ToString()

frminfo1.RetailHDWSF.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("RET_ HDW_SF").ToString()

frminfo1.PaintDeptSF.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("PNT_DEPT_SF").ToString()

frminfo1.PaintComputer.Text = myDV(rowIndex)("PAINT_COMPUTER").ToString()

frminfo1.PrattLambertOSO.Text =

checkarea = myDV(rowIndex)("BEHR").ToString()

If checkarea = "Y" Then

frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(0, CheckState.Checked)


frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(0, CheckState.Unchecked)

End If

checkarea = myDV(rowIndex)("BEN_MOOR").ToString()

If checkarea = "Y" Then

frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(1, CheckState.Checked)


frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(1, CheckState.Unchecked)

End If

checkarea = myDV(rowIndex)("CALIF").ToString()

If checkarea = "Y" Then

frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(2, CheckState.Checked)


frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(2, CheckState.Unchecked)

End If

checkarea = myDV(rowIndex)("COLONY").ToString()

If checkarea = "Y" Then

frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(3, CheckState.Checked)


frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(3, CheckState.Unchecked)

End If

checkarea = myDV(rowIndex)("DEVOE").ToString()

If checkarea = "Y" Then

frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(4, CheckState.Checked)


frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(4, CheckState.Unchecked)

End If

checkarea = myDV(rowIndex)("DUTCH_BOY").ToString()

If checkarea = "Y" Then

frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(5, CheckState.Checked)


frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(5, CheckState.Unchecked)

End If

checkarea = myDV(rowIndex)("FULLER_ O_BRIEN").ToString()

If checkarea = "Y" Then

frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(6, CheckState.Checked)


frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(6, CheckState.Unchecked)

End If

checkarea = myDV(rowIndex)("GLIDDEN").ToString()

If checkarea = "Y" Then

frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(7, CheckState.Checked)


frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(7, CheckState.Unchecked)

End If

checkarea = myDV(rowIndex)("LUCITE").ToString()

If checkarea = "Y" Then

frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(8, CheckState.Checked)


frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(8, CheckState.Unchecked)

End If

checkarea = myDV(rowIndex)("MARTIN_SENOUR").ToString()

If checkarea = "Y" Then

frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(9, CheckState.Checked)


frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(9, CheckState.Unchecked)

End If

checkarea = myDV(rowIndex)("OLYMPIC").ToString()

If checkarea = "Y" Then

frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(10, CheckState.Checked)


frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(10, CheckState.Unchecked)

End If

checkarea = myDV(rowIndex)("OTHER_PAINT").ToString()

If checkarea = "Y" Then

frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(11, CheckState.Checked)


frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(11, CheckState.Unchecked)

End If

checkarea = myDV(rowIndex)("PITTS").ToString()

If checkarea = "Y" Then

frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(12, CheckState.Checked)


frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(12, CheckState.Unchecked)

End If

checkarea = myDV(rowIndex)("PORTERS").ToString()

If checkarea = "Y" Then

frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(13, CheckState.Checked)


frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(13, CheckState.Unchecked)

End If

checkarea = myDV(rowIndex)("PPG").ToString()

If checkarea = "Y" Then

frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(14, CheckState.Checked)


frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(14, CheckState.Unchecked)

End If

checkarea = myDV(rowIndex)("PRATT").ToString()

If checkarea = "Y" Then

frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(15, CheckState.Checked)


frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(15, CheckState.Unchecked)

End If

checkarea = myDV(rowIndex)("RALPH_LAUREN").ToString()

If checkarea = "Y" Then

frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(16, CheckState.Checked)


frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(16, CheckState.Unchecked)

End If

checkarea = myDV(rowIndex)("VALSPAR").ToString()

If checkarea = "Y" Then

frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(17, CheckState.Checked)


frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(17, CheckState.Unchecked)

End If

checkarea = myDV(rowIndex)("VAN_SICKLE").ToString()

If checkarea = "Y" Then

frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(18, CheckState.Checked)


frminfo1.CheckedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(18, CheckState.Unchecked)

End If

frminfo.myDVR = myDV(rowIndex) 'or myDV.Item(rowIndex)


End Sub

I know there is a lot of code here; hopefully someone understands what I'm
doing and I'm not wasting lots of efforts on something that could be done

From the most novice VB.NET 2003 (maybe 5 weeks self taught).



Cor Ligthert said:

You have given a lot of information and still it is not easy to help you.
Therefore some explanations.

A datarowview is a view on a datarow not to real datarow. You can get it

If you do an update than you can do using the DataAdapter a datarow,
there is nothing wrong with.

If you need more information, because we are here very basic.
- did you generate the dataadapter (and with that the update commands)
- what controls did you use
- did you use databinding

I hope this helps sofar,


Stephen Plotnick said:
I'm very new to VB.NET 2003

Here is what I have accomplished:

MainSelectForm - Selects an item

In a public class I pass a DataViewRow to

ItemInformation1 Form
ItemInformation2 Form
ItemInformation7 Form

I am able to get from the DataViewRow
I am able to put data back into the DataViewRow
As I go Forward and Backwards between the ItemInformationForm[1-7] all
the data I change is available and working

I feel pretty good about my first attempt to VB.NET

Now what I want to do:

Setup a button on all ItemInformation[1-7] Forms to do an update
In the public class setup a variable that I can change when clicking on
the Update button to denote an update is needed

From within MainSelectForm do the update from the DataViewRow in the
public class

My questions are:

1. How do I check the Update Flag? (I've migrated from COBOL where I
would be able to check the update flag in a linkage section, I do not
know how to do this in OO because I do not have control)
2. IS the a way to do an SQL Update via the DataViewRow without having
to do the Update listing all the fields and the WHERE clause, I have
over 100 fields?
3. I should be able to click an Update button from within any Form and
close Form after Form until getting back to MainSelectForm where the
Update would occur

Any assistance would be greatly apprecited,