SQL to unprotect and protect worksheet

  • Thread starter Thread starter drewship
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Hello all.
I have 2 SQL queries that automatically import data from an Access database
into 2 different sheets on my spreadsheet when the spreadsheet opens. I need
to unprotect the sheet prior to the import, then protect it after the import.
I have looked at several posts but they all have to do with macros. Any help
would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!!
2 issues... The only way to do it is via macros. The other issue is that you
posted you question in the programming section where the most likely response
is going to involve a macro.
Thanks Jim. There is no SQL topic so I thought Programming was as close as I
would get to a correct topic.

If a macro can do this before the SQL kicks in then that will work for me. I
already have the protect and unprotect statements I need. How would I design
a macro to run before the SQL statements?
Try recording a macro where you Unprotect the sheet, Refresh the query(s) and
re-protect the sheet. Attach that code to a button or if you want we can put
in in the workbook open event. Post what you get and we can run through it.
General questions would be the most logical spot for this type of question
when you do not want a macro answer...
Here is the macro:

Selection.QueryTable.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
ActiveSheet.Protect DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True

I want to put this in the workbook module so it runs when the workbook
opens, but I also want to protect several of the sheets before the user has
access to the spreadsheet. I am working on something like:

Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim pw As String: pw = "test"

Sheets("Distribution").Protect pw, UserInterfaceOnly:=True

Sheets("Totals").Protect pw, UserInterfaceOnly:=True

ActiveSheet.Unprotect pw
Selection.QueryTable.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=True
ActiveSheet.Protect DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True

End Sub

That does not look all bad to me... Here would be my take on it...

Sub Workbook_Open()
Const pw As String = "test"

Sheets("Distribution").Protect pw, UserInterfaceOnly:=True

with Sheets("Totals").
.Unprotect pw
.range("A1").QueryTable.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=True 'Change A1?
.Protect DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True
end with

End Sub
Jim, Been working on this and some other projects, but here is what I have:

Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim pw As String: pw = "test"

With Sheets("Distribution").Select
Sheets("Distribution").Protect pw, UserInterfaceOnly:=True

Sheets("Totals").Protect pw, UserInterfaceOnly:=True

Sheets("FY").Protect pw, UserInterfaceOnly:=True

ActiveSheet.Unprotect pw

ActiveSheet.Unprotect pw

Sheets("FY").Protect pw, UserInterfaceOnly:=True

End With

With Sheets("Totals").Select
Sheets("Totals").Protect pw, UserInterfaceOnly:=True

BlankRow = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
Range("A" & (BlankRow + 1)).Select
End With

End Sub

This is in the 'ThisWorkbook' module and works to a point. It will protect
every sheet I want and will unprotect those that need to be updated by the
SQL. The problem is that even though the 'ActiveWorkbook.RefreshAll' comes
before the 'Totals' sheet is protected, I cannot protect the 'Totals' sheet
or the SQL will not fire in time...at least that is how it appears. When I
run this, I get sent to the first blank line with the code below before the
popup appears asking if I want to Enable or Disable automatic refresh, which
is when the database data is being imported.

BlankRow = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
Range("A" & (BlankRow + 1)).Select

I tried adding

Sub LockTotals()
Dim pw As String: pw = "test"
With Sheets("Totals").Select
Sheets("Totals").Protect pw, UserInterfaceOnly:=True

BlankRow = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
Range("A" & (BlankRow + 1)).Select
End With
End Sub

to the end of the main code and calling it with no success. I tried placing
it in the sheet where all the data is being entered but that did not work
either...which is good because it would have fired every time the user made
an entry which would slow things down a lot.

I am still hoping someone can see a way to do this.

Test of the reply to this thread...

Jim Thomlinson said:
That does not look all bad to me... Here would be my take on it...

Sub Workbook_Open()
Const pw As String = "test"

Sheets("Distribution").Protect pw, UserInterfaceOnly:=True

with Sheets("Totals").
.Unprotect pw
.range("A1").QueryTable.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=True 'Change A1?
.Protect DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True
end with

End Sub