Jim Hill
The following string does not append 5 rows to the
TableResult, it appends all the rows from MyTable. I need
to appand 5 current row.
What is the problem?
sqlString = " INSERT INTO TableResult" & _
" SELECT TOP 5 MyTable.* " & _
" FROM MyTable " & _
" WHERE (((MyTable.locId) = '12') And ((MyTable.myDate)
vDb.Execute sqlString
The following string does not append 5 rows to the
TableResult, it appends all the rows from MyTable. I need
to appand 5 current row.
What is the problem?
sqlString = " INSERT INTO TableResult" & _
" SELECT TOP 5 MyTable.* " & _
" FROM MyTable " & _
" WHERE (((MyTable.locId) = '12') And ((MyTable.myDate)
" ORDER BY MyTable.myDate DESC "= '20030101' And (MyTable.myDate) <= '20031008')) " & _
vDb.Execute sqlString