I'm having some trouble with a sql statement within my sub. For some
reason, it wants to reference CLPROPSTRTNMBER when I specifically
asked for CLPROPSTRTNMBR (which is the correct column name). The code
is below. I cannot figure out why it's trying to pull this reference.
Public Sub D2REDataCall()
Call DBConnect
sql = "SELECT
FROM " & tblCustInfoD2RE & " WHERE CLAPPLNUMBER = '" & AppID & "'"
rsdata.Open (sql)
MtxtStreetAddress.Enabled = True
MtxtStreetAddress.Value = rsdata("CLMAILADDRESS")
MtxtStreetAddress.Locked = True
MtxtCity.Enabled = True
MtxtCity.Value = rsdata("CLMAILCITY")
MtxtCity.Locked = True
MtxtState.Enabled = True
MtxtState.Value = rsdata("CLMAILSTATE")
MtxtState.Locked = True
MtxtZip.Enabled = True
MtxtZip.Value = rsdata("CLMAILZIP")
MtxtZip.Locked = True
PtxtStreetAddress.Enabled = True
PtxtStreetAddress.Value = rsdata("CLPROPSTRTNMBR") &
PtxtStreetAddress.Locked = True
PtxtCity.Enabled = True
PtxtCity.Value = rsdata("CLPROPCITY")
PtxtCity.Locked = True
PtxtState.Enabled = True
PtxtState.Value = rsdata("CLPROPSTATE")
PtxtState.Locked = True
PtxtZip.Enabled = True
PtxtZip.Value = rsdata("CLPROPZIP")
PtxtZip.Locked = True
PtxtCounty.Enabled = True
PtxtCounty.Value = rsdata("CLPROPCOUNTY")
PtxtCounty.Locked = True
Text586.Enabled = True
Text586.Value = rsdata("CLCREDITREPORTDT")
Text586.Locked = True
Text588.Enabled = True
Text588.Value = Format(rsdata("CLCREDITREPORTDT"), "MM/DD/YYYY") + 45
Text588.Locked = True
Text590.Enabled = True
Text590.Value = rsdata("CLRATEEFFECTIVEDT")
Text590.Locked = True
Text644.Enabled = True
Text644.Value = rsdata("CLCLOSEDT")
Text644.Locked = True
Text140.Enabled = True
Text140.Value = Format(rsdata("CLTOTALLOANAMT"), "$###,###.##")
Text140.Locked = True
Text205.Enabled = True
Text205.Value = rsdata("CLINTERESTRATE")
Text205.Locked = True
Text207.Enabled = True
Text207.Value = rsdata("CLTILAPR")
Text207.Locked = True
Text86.Enabled = True
Text86.Value = rsdata("CLTERM")
Text86.Locked = True
End Sub
reason, it wants to reference CLPROPSTRTNMBER when I specifically
asked for CLPROPSTRTNMBR (which is the correct column name). The code
is below. I cannot figure out why it's trying to pull this reference.
Public Sub D2REDataCall()
Call DBConnect
sql = "SELECT
FROM " & tblCustInfoD2RE & " WHERE CLAPPLNUMBER = '" & AppID & "'"
rsdata.Open (sql)
MtxtStreetAddress.Enabled = True
MtxtStreetAddress.Value = rsdata("CLMAILADDRESS")
MtxtStreetAddress.Locked = True
MtxtCity.Enabled = True
MtxtCity.Value = rsdata("CLMAILCITY")
MtxtCity.Locked = True
MtxtState.Enabled = True
MtxtState.Value = rsdata("CLMAILSTATE")
MtxtState.Locked = True
MtxtZip.Enabled = True
MtxtZip.Value = rsdata("CLMAILZIP")
MtxtZip.Locked = True
PtxtStreetAddress.Enabled = True
PtxtStreetAddress.Value = rsdata("CLPROPSTRTNMBR") &
PtxtStreetAddress.Locked = True
PtxtCity.Enabled = True
PtxtCity.Value = rsdata("CLPROPCITY")
PtxtCity.Locked = True
PtxtState.Enabled = True
PtxtState.Value = rsdata("CLPROPSTATE")
PtxtState.Locked = True
PtxtZip.Enabled = True
PtxtZip.Value = rsdata("CLPROPZIP")
PtxtZip.Locked = True
PtxtCounty.Enabled = True
PtxtCounty.Value = rsdata("CLPROPCOUNTY")
PtxtCounty.Locked = True
Text586.Enabled = True
Text586.Value = rsdata("CLCREDITREPORTDT")
Text586.Locked = True
Text588.Enabled = True
Text588.Value = Format(rsdata("CLCREDITREPORTDT"), "MM/DD/YYYY") + 45
Text588.Locked = True
Text590.Enabled = True
Text590.Value = rsdata("CLRATEEFFECTIVEDT")
Text590.Locked = True
Text644.Enabled = True
Text644.Value = rsdata("CLCLOSEDT")
Text644.Locked = True
Text140.Enabled = True
Text140.Value = Format(rsdata("CLTOTALLOANAMT"), "$###,###.##")
Text140.Locked = True
Text205.Enabled = True
Text205.Value = rsdata("CLINTERESTRATE")
Text205.Locked = True
Text207.Enabled = True
Text207.Value = rsdata("CLTILAPR")
Text207.Locked = True
Text86.Enabled = True
Text86.Value = rsdata("CLTERM")
Text86.Locked = True
End Sub