Two tables. tbl_ProspectDemoInformation and tbl_ProspectInformation
Form ProspectInformation pulling data from tbl_ProspectDemoInformation
SubForm subfrm_ProspectInformation pulling data from tbl_ProspectInformation
Users are entering data in the ProspectInformation form but not in the subfrm_ProspectInformation form
Problem having is if no record is entered in the sub form no record gets generated in the tbl_ProspectInformation which is relates to tbl_ProspectDemoInformation with a 1-1 relationship. Master and child links are setup correctly. This only occurs when they do not enter something in the sub form
Is there a way to force the system to check HSAttended field and if it is null take the cursor to that field in the tab subform. Currently their clicking the save command without entering any record in the sub form.
Everything is correct table tbl_ProspectInformation is required etc. In the forms discussion someone mentioned making an sql statement in the after update of the main form. I agree with that conclusion. Problem is I'm not very swift at sql statements and have no idea how to write one
Can someone please please help out. Totally frustrated with this one
Here's the info that I hope will will. PrsInfoHSAttend can not me null and Classification = FR for freshman
I really would appreciate help on writing this sql statement.
Form ProspectInformation pulling data from tbl_ProspectDemoInformation
SubForm subfrm_ProspectInformation pulling data from tbl_ProspectInformation
Users are entering data in the ProspectInformation form but not in the subfrm_ProspectInformation form
Problem having is if no record is entered in the sub form no record gets generated in the tbl_ProspectInformation which is relates to tbl_ProspectDemoInformation with a 1-1 relationship. Master and child links are setup correctly. This only occurs when they do not enter something in the sub form
Is there a way to force the system to check HSAttended field and if it is null take the cursor to that field in the tab subform. Currently their clicking the save command without entering any record in the sub form.
Everything is correct table tbl_ProspectInformation is required etc. In the forms discussion someone mentioned making an sql statement in the after update of the main form. I agree with that conclusion. Problem is I'm not very swift at sql statements and have no idea how to write one
Can someone please please help out. Totally frustrated with this one
Here's the info that I hope will will. PrsInfoHSAttend can not me null and Classification = FR for freshman
I really would appreciate help on writing this sql statement.