I have a SQL question with regards to retrieving data from an Access
When I use this querry in Access, it works fine, but when I try to get
data, from Access, using the querry it does not reocnize functions like
sum(), left(), or Date().
Can one use a SQL string, just as in Access, from Excell ADO?
I am using the following code snipt, I tried to make a relationship
with the left function:
Dim db As ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strConnect, strSql As String
Dim Price, Cost As Double
Dim currDate, currDateFuture As Date
currDate = FormatDateTime(Now, vbShortDate)
strSql0 = "SELECT InquiryFinancials.ProposedCost,
InquiryHeader.Booking_Date, InquiryFinancials.ProposedPrice " _
& "FROM (InquiryHeader INNER JOIN InquiryStatus ON
InquiryHeader.Inquiry_Number = InquiryStatus.Inquiry_Number) " _
& "INNER JOIN InquiryFinancials ON InquiryStatus.Inquiry_Number =
InquiryFinancials.Inquiry_Number, " _
& "(Districts INNER JOIN Regions ON Districts.Region = Regions.Region)
" _
& "INNER JOIN RegionGroups ON Regions.RegionsID = RegionGroups.RegionID
" _
& "WHERE (InquiryStatus.Inquiry_Won) = True " _
& "And (InquiryStatus.Complete_PPC) = False " _
& "And (InquiryStatus.Inquiry_Lost) = False " _
& "And (InquiryStatus.Inquiry_Dead) = False " _
& "And (InquiryStatus.InActive) = False " _
& "And RegionGroups.RegionsGroup = 1 " _
& "And (InquiryHeader.Budgetary_Firm) = 'firm' " _
& "And (InquiryHeader.Booking_Date) >= " & currDate _
& "And Districts.District = Left((InquiryHeader.Inquiry_Number), 2)"
Set db = New ADODB.Connection
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
strSql = strSql0
dbName = "\CSInquiries_v22.mdb"
dbPath = "S:\CSCPROJ\PILOT\Master"
db.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=" & dbPath & dbName & ";"
rst.Open strSql, db, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
Cost = rst![ProposedCost]
I have a SQL question with regards to retrieving data from an Access
When I use this querry in Access, it works fine, but when I try to get
data, from Access, using the querry it does not reocnize functions like
sum(), left(), or Date().
Can one use a SQL string, just as in Access, from Excell ADO?
I am using the following code snipt, I tried to make a relationship
with the left function:
Dim db As ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strConnect, strSql As String
Dim Price, Cost As Double
Dim currDate, currDateFuture As Date
currDate = FormatDateTime(Now, vbShortDate)
strSql0 = "SELECT InquiryFinancials.ProposedCost,
InquiryHeader.Booking_Date, InquiryFinancials.ProposedPrice " _
& "FROM (InquiryHeader INNER JOIN InquiryStatus ON
InquiryHeader.Inquiry_Number = InquiryStatus.Inquiry_Number) " _
& "INNER JOIN InquiryFinancials ON InquiryStatus.Inquiry_Number =
InquiryFinancials.Inquiry_Number, " _
& "(Districts INNER JOIN Regions ON Districts.Region = Regions.Region)
" _
& "INNER JOIN RegionGroups ON Regions.RegionsID = RegionGroups.RegionID
" _
& "WHERE (InquiryStatus.Inquiry_Won) = True " _
& "And (InquiryStatus.Complete_PPC) = False " _
& "And (InquiryStatus.Inquiry_Lost) = False " _
& "And (InquiryStatus.Inquiry_Dead) = False " _
& "And (InquiryStatus.InActive) = False " _
& "And RegionGroups.RegionsGroup = 1 " _
& "And (InquiryHeader.Budgetary_Firm) = 'firm' " _
& "And (InquiryHeader.Booking_Date) >= " & currDate _
& "And Districts.District = Left((InquiryHeader.Inquiry_Number), 2)"
Set db = New ADODB.Connection
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
strSql = strSql0
dbName = "\CSInquiries_v22.mdb"
dbPath = "S:\CSCPROJ\PILOT\Master"
db.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=" & dbPath & dbName & ";"
rst.Open strSql, db, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
Cost = rst![ProposedCost]