SQL Sever connection denied after computer restarted

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I have a client PC running a C# program that obtains data from an SQL Server
database. The computer hosting the database is on a local network and is
accessed by using the following connection string: Both computers are
Windows XP SP2.

"Data Source=,1433;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial
Catalog=CenterDB;User ID=myUserID;Pwd=myPassword;"

The key lines in my code are:
cnPubs = new SqlConnection(...........)
SqlCommand cmdOrder = new SqlCommand("dbo.SC_GetOrderByAC", cnPubs);

In almost all cases the client can access the database except for a certain
situation. If I shutdown the database computer and restart it, sometimes the
client cannot make a connection to the database and causes an exception in my
code. It is extremely intermittent and hard to duplicate. The exception
that I get is: <SqlException: SQL Server does not exist or access denied.>

Does anyone have any ideas about what might be causing this intermittent
behavior or what I can try to track down the cause of the problem?
Hi Vadym,

The client application continues to run but never gets connection to the
restarted SQL Server PC. The only way to get the client DB application
re-connected to SQL Server is to stop and restart it.

Chris Mangiapane, MCSD