Have set up Business Contact Manager (Office 2003) and was asked if I wanted
to be connected to SQL Server, clicked yes.
It now appears in my taskbar but I have no idea how to use it.
I don't know how to set it up, whether you have to pay for it, how to synch
it to a database etc.
Have looked for help on the subject but am none the wiser.
Could somebody please explain (in layman's terms) exactly what's involved?
to be connected to SQL Server, clicked yes.
It now appears in my taskbar but I have no idea how to use it.
I don't know how to set it up, whether you have to pay for it, how to synch
it to a database etc.
Have looked for help on the subject but am none the wiser.
Could somebody please explain (in layman's terms) exactly what's involved?