guys i need some help here. what was working somehow has has stopped. the drive in the machine i was using died and was replaced, so i had to re-install SQL Server.
i was developing on my laptop with an instance of sql server using the conStr of("Data Source=(Local);Initial Catalog=A39;Integrated Security=SSPI;")
that way when i deployed the web application on the other machine everything would line up and it does (or used to)
i installed Sql Server 2000 using "Local Computer" // Default is Checked // Typical Install //and i chose "Use the same account for each service.Auto start Sql Server Service" (that radio button) is checked
Also Using the LocalSystem account and Windows Authentication Mode.
to set up the Trust connection i go to EnterPrise Manager / Security /Logins
and select New Login //Machine Name (HQJ1759D01) and ASPNET from Login Properties.
But, i get the dreaded ''Server Does not exist or access denied'' when trying to log on to the database i created.
Now the weird part. i did a capture of the Sid =Environment.UserName
and fully expected to see ASPNET populate that, however it came up as IUSR_HQJ1759D01 - the built in account for anonymous access.
so, im thinking it's somehow not getting the ASPNET user.
has anyone had this problem before? and is maybe the problem not in SQL Server but somewhere else. IIS looks normal to me.
any help is totally appreciated.
Sent via Fuzzy Software @ http://www.fuzzysoftware.com/
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i was developing on my laptop with an instance of sql server using the conStr of("Data Source=(Local);Initial Catalog=A39;Integrated Security=SSPI;")
that way when i deployed the web application on the other machine everything would line up and it does (or used to)
i installed Sql Server 2000 using "Local Computer" // Default is Checked // Typical Install //and i chose "Use the same account for each service.Auto start Sql Server Service" (that radio button) is checked
Also Using the LocalSystem account and Windows Authentication Mode.
to set up the Trust connection i go to EnterPrise Manager / Security /Logins
and select New Login //Machine Name (HQJ1759D01) and ASPNET from Login Properties.
But, i get the dreaded ''Server Does not exist or access denied'' when trying to log on to the database i created.
Now the weird part. i did a capture of the Sid =Environment.UserName
and fully expected to see ASPNET populate that, however it came up as IUSR_HQJ1759D01 - the built in account for anonymous access.
so, im thinking it's somehow not getting the ASPNET user.
has anyone had this problem before? and is maybe the problem not in SQL Server but somewhere else. IIS looks normal to me.
any help is totally appreciated.
Sent via Fuzzy Software @ http://www.fuzzysoftware.com/
Comprehensive, categorised, searchable collection of links to ASP & ASP.NET resources...