SQL SERVER Connection Problem II

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I can connect using my PC local SQL Server Enterprise manager to Remote SQL
But I cannot connect using my Connection string?

strConn = "Data Source=,1433;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial
Catalog=DBANK;User ID=myID;Password=myPASSWORD;"

Does anyone knows any idea?

Thank you for reading this.


What about:
strConn = "Data Source=;Network
Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial Catalog=DBANK;User


Hello Niyazi,

I think everyting is rignt in your connection string.The port number you
have stated is default port.It might be possible that it is set other than
1433 in your case so check it.

if you still have problem let me know the error in details.


Bhavesh Patel.
Software Enggineer,

I set the port number as correct ....:1433 but still I cannot connect. I
disable Windows XP firewall and now my Enterprise manager cannot see the
remote SQL Server.

When I set right connection to my application as you suggested I get an
error that says "Specified SQL Server not found:"

And when I try to connect to Remote SQL Server via Enterprice Manager in my
Local PC I get and access denied error.

Does anyone know how to set SQL Logings in Remote SQL Server so I can use my
connection string. I am guessing that I am having access problem.

Thank you.


I try to create a DSN to remote SQL Server and I get an error as follows.
Connection failed:
SQLState: '01000'
SQL Server Error: 1326
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]ConnetionOpen (Connect()).
Connection failed:
SQLState: '08001'
SQL Server Error: 17
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]SQL Server does not exist or
access denied.

This morrning since 7am my local timne to 1pm I search the internet and I
only find that I should update my SQL Server with SP4.

Now I am nearly downloaded all the update and after lunch I will going to
try it.

But is the error is link the update or some other setting in my SQL Server
as well as my WinXP SP2 that reside the remote SQL Server setting has
something to do?

I will post my result this afternoon or tomorrow mornning.

Thank you.


After I install the SQL SERVER 2000 SP4 I try to connect using SQL SERVER
Enterprise manager and it was succesful. Then I test it using VS.NET 2003
Server Wizard Toolbox and created the connection. I copied the connection
string as:

Dim strConn As String
strConn = "Server=SQL_SERVER_TEST;Database=DBANK;User

And it worked very well.

I hope thsi will help others if they encounter similar problem.

Thank you.


I forget to write my SQL SERVER was in WIN XP PRO machine. So I open the
Windows Firewall Exceptions Diolog and I add a PORT as:

Name: TCP-IP
Port number: 1433

That will help me to access the SQL SERVER using the connection string as:

Dim strConn As String
strConn = "Server=SQL_SERVER_TEST;Database=DBANK;User

Thank you.


Also if anyone get an error as: "SQL Server does not exist or access denied. "

They should also check the microsft support article 839296

If the client mechine is the WIN XP SP2 then conecting remote SQL Server
might get the above error.

I red the article and I set the my client machine as it is as well as my SQL
Server Test that is in another WIN XP PRO SP2. When I set 2 machine evrything
worked fine.

I use this all the time to connect to any sql server using a .NET

Hi Lee,

My problem was the Service Pack for MS SQL SERVER 2000. After I update It
worked fine when SQL Server 2000 reside on Win XP SP2 machine. I use this
machine as test mechine.

So after I search I found that If you connect SQL Server that resides on WIN
XP Pro with SP2 that means the Firewall is on than you cannot connect. Unless
you turn WIN XP PRO SP2 firwall to off mode. Than it connected. Than I search
and find the article (I posted previously) that I should adjust the setting
of the 2 machine to connect to SQL Server while WIN XP PRO SP2 Firewall in
the ON mode.

Now everythings fine with me expect the problem having in log In section.

I posted my problem how to convert SQL Server Binary data type to string and
string to Binary data type that I can store in SQL Server back when admin
people can register the new user.

If I mange this I will try to write small article about Employee application
that will be secure to connect to SQL Server for a small scale companies.

Thank you.
