Sql Server Connection Error On Framework 1.1

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gaurav
  • Start date Start date


i m using SqlClient Name space for sql server connection.
We intialize a sql server connection object for
connecting sql server 2000

after run the page Error occured

"Login Failed On PRINCE/ASPNET,unauthorize error"

Where PRINCE is my machine name.
i m using
Dim ConString As String = "Integrated
Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;User
ID=sa;Initial Catalog=pubs;Data Source=PRINCE"
Dim MyConnection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection
This code generate error
Login failed for user 'PRINCE\ASPNET'
please give me sugesstion for this help.
Integrated Security=SSPI
User ID=sa

These two items are mutually exclusive. You are either using Integerated
security or an SQL login. Try dropping the Integrated Security and adding
"password=<sa password>" to the command line.

In addition to MikeP's comment.
You should really use sql security within aspnet app.
Either that or run the aspnet app under some user account.