I need to write an sql query that will check weather a string taken from a column of a table appears as a substring in another column of a table for that same entry. Exampl
Gate Time CurGat
105 8:00 10
104 7:00 104
102 5:00 102, 10
100 4:00 10
In the above case only entry 3,4 would be returned by the query. I know you can use LIKE keyword, but I think can't figure out how to use it with a column entry, I think it only works with an actual string.
Gate Time CurGat
105 8:00 10
104 7:00 104
102 5:00 102, 10
100 4:00 10
In the above case only entry 3,4 would be returned by the query. I know you can use LIKE keyword, but I think can't figure out how to use it with a column entry, I think it only works with an actual string.