SQL provider


Duncan Winn

I am WRITING (not using) an ADO.NET provider to provide access to my custom
data source (C++ classes). My clients are hoping to access the data in my
classes, through the provider, using SQL, however my data source does not
support SQL. Will I have to parse the SQL to get the relevant data from the
data source, or does the provider have classes or components that
automatically do this?

Kathleen Dollard


I guess I don't understand what you are doing. If you are writingn your own
provider, afaik, you will have to figure out how the users entry - SQL -
corresponds to how you retrieve the data. SQLServer adn OLEDB providers pass
this on to the backend. I thought you were writing something to access
another datasource, such as a proprietary file format. Is that what youare

Duncan Winn

That is correct, I am writing a provider to expose my data (which is not in
a database, but stored through Borland C++ classes) through a .NET provider,
so clients can access my data using SQL. However I was told .NET parses SQL
and provides methods for implementing the SQL statments, but alas, this is
not the case as you pointed out.

Thanks for the advice,

b.t.w. what does afaik mean???

William \(Bill\) Vaughn

AFAIK :: As far as I know.
OLE DB providers are designed for more complex data structures and will be
FAR harder to implement. I would take a look at Rocky's book on Business

Bill Vaughn
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Kathleen Dollard


Just some clarifications here...

I just got Rocky's book yesterday, and the first thirty pages blew me away.
I think he concisely summarized some architectural issues that we've been
struggling with as a community. I've been working on and looking for a
taxonomy of business architectures - and while he didn't call it that I
think he provided it.

But, my clarification is that he published it under Rockford, so I don't
know that it's findable from this post (I know I had trouble finding it on

Rockford Lhotka
Expert One-on-One Visual Basic .NET Business Objects
ISBN 1-59059-145-3

Also, since I have only read the first part of this, can you clarify whether
you suggested it as an alternative to Duncan writing his own provider, or
because Rocky covers providers in a way I am not yet aware of.

William \(Bill\) Vaughn

Kathleen, thanks for the clarification. Yes, only insiders know who I mean
when I refer to Rocky.
Yes, I'm suggesting that a better understanding of the architecture would
preclude the need for a class-based provider.

Bill Vaughn
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