Remove the line
from your code for now.
In fact, if you're always going to be running your query from code, it's not
really necessary to declare them as parameters so that the query prompts:
you can always prompt for the values yourself from VBA code, using InputBox
(or something more sophisticated if you prefer).
Another comment. You might find that using the Execute method of the
Database object is preferable to using DoCmd.RunSQL for a couple of reasons.
The first is that you won't get the "Access is about to insert n rows"
alert, and the second is that you can specify an optional second parameter
that will raise an error that you can trap for those times when the query
doesn't run properly.
Try something like:
Public Sub CStores()
On Error GoTo Err_CStores
Dim c As String, n As String, sq As String
c = "KINGS"
n = "3"
sq = sq & "SELECT TOP " & n & " STORE, "
sq = sq & "0 AS PANEL FROM DATA "
sq = sq & "WHERE COUNTY = '" & c & "';"
CurrentDb.Execute sq, dbFailOnError
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description & " (" & Err.Number & ")"
Resume End_CStores
End Sub
If you don't have a reference set to DAO, use 128 instead of dbFailOnError
By the way, note the change I made to the declaration of variables in your
code. It's necessary to declare the variable type for each variable. What
you had was actually declaring c and n to be variants.
Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP
(No private e-mails, please)
Mike Klein said:
Query below prompts for variables, then executes properly. The
are already defined, and I need the Query to
execute those values. When the query works properly, I'll be passing
parameters to the procedure, but that's a different issue.
What am I missing ?
Public Sub CStores()
Dim c, n, sq As String
c = "KINGS"
n = "3"
sq = sq & "INSERT INTO STUDY "
sq = sq & "SELECT TOP " & n & " STORE, "
sq = sq & "0 AS PANEL FROM DATA "
sq = sq & "WHERE COUNTY = '" & c & "';"
DoCmd.RunSQL (sq)
End Sub