I have one master items table tblItems.PK is pkItemID (Autonumber).
And two other tables which are identical in structure and both are
linking tables in a M:M relationship. Both have fkItemID
(longInteger). One is tblIssues and the other tblReceipts. I would
like to create a report to detail all transactions for an item sorted
(ORDER BY) date. So since we would have tblIssues.TheDate and
tblReceipts.TheDate ..... How can I sort that?
Thank You
And two other tables which are identical in structure and both are
linking tables in a M:M relationship. Both have fkItemID
(longInteger). One is tblIssues and the other tblReceipts. I would
like to create a report to detail all transactions for an item sorted
(ORDER BY) date. So since we would have tblIssues.TheDate and
tblReceipts.TheDate ..... How can I sort that?
Thank You