I have to related tables that I am reading into a DataSet
ProdId int(pk)
Name vchar
CatId int (pk)
ProdId int (fk)
CatName vchar
I want to get all the records from table 1 that have corresponding records
in table 2. So if a record in table1 does not have any related records in
table2, I don't want to get it. Is there a way to check for this in a
SELECT command?
I can't think how.... it's hurting my head.
Any help appreciated!
- Steve
I have to related tables that I am reading into a DataSet
ProdId int(pk)
Name vchar
CatId int (pk)
ProdId int (fk)
CatName vchar
I want to get all the records from table 1 that have corresponding records
in table 2. So if a record in table1 does not have any related records in
table2, I don't want to get it. Is there a way to check for this in a
SELECT command?
I can't think how.... it's hurting my head.

Any help appreciated!
- Steve