SQL Express 2005 won't let me in



Hi. I'm trying to use SQLExpress 2005 (default install vsnet 2005). No
matter what I tried, I still can't use it.

A. In SQL server configuration manager I have tried the following:
1. Logon as built-in account - network service. Then in VSNET, new
database reference, I have servername="\SQLEXPRESS", Use windows
authentication, and I enter dbname=master. I get an error saying that
"... under the default settings, sql server does not allow remote
connections (provider SQL Network Interfaces, error 25: connection
string is not valid".

2. I set logon as built-in account - local service and I restart BOTH
SQL server and SQL browser.

The exact same thing happens for logon as built-in account - local

3. I set logon as built-in account - local system and I try to restart
BOTH SQL server and SQL browser. SQL server restarts. SQL browser
crashes. My CPU usage goes sky-high and the only way out is the task

I only have ONE computer, so it should run as local system, right ?

I also read somewhere that "named pipes" should be enabled. I did that
in SQL server 2005 network configuration - no improvement.

B. I also tried loging-in with a user name and password. Therefore, in
SQL server configuration manager I have set AccountName as
"MyMachineName\Administrator" where, of course, my machine name is the
actual name of the machine. I have set no password on this machine, so
I leave the password blank and I click Apply. I get a "WMI provider
error: Invalid Parameter [0x80041008]". Very helpful indeed ! So I
assume that I need a pass, but which one ? I have tried "sa" and this
time I got "WMI provider error: The specified network password is not
correct [0x80070056]".

C. I have also tried to connect thru ODBC data source administrator...
no go.

So, please, what should I do to make this #(*&$(*#@&$ work ???

Thank you very much.


SQL Express by default has remote connections disabled. Here is what you do:
open the SQL Server 2005 Surface Area Configuration tool (this is in the
configuration tools program group sub menu in the SQL Server program group
from Start->Programs). Click on "Surface Area Configuration for Services and
Connections", choose your instance of SQLEXPRESS, click on Remote Connections
and choose Local and remote connections.

Hope this helps.

Alex Nitulescu

Thank you... but I tried that yesterday, with the results as in my previous
post :-(


I have servername="\SQLEXPRESS"

Try "localhost\SQLEXPRESS" or "\SQLEXPRESS"

If this does not work, go to "Start -> Programs -> Sql Server 2005 ->
Configuration Tools -> Sql Server Surface Area Configuration" then click
surface area for features.
Browse to your database engine and remote connections and allow TCP/IP
from remote connections.

maybe this helps

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