SQL coding

  • Thread starter Thread starter prad
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is there any way to create table having name taken from a variabl
which hold the concanated data from combo boxes with SQL CREAT
tabname = a & b &
strSQL = "CREATE TABLE tblname
actually i want tabname which holds concatenated value(name of th
table)in place of tblname in strSQL statement so that the table mad
by SQL STATEMENTwill have name according to tabname selected b
hi very very thanks it is working now
another question i want to know from u that is there any way to creat
reports programmatically, again the name of report should be fro
combobox selection
case histry - i have a form having twocombo box cbovolt , cbotypes an
checkbok chksuppname and commandbutton cmdok now if a user click
command button then code behind this should open report which ar
created programmatically by taking values from combobox as a name o
report also this combobox value is the name of table on which repor
will be based.this table are pre existing.in report a fiel
matnamewill be there fromthis preexisting table. this code als
checks for checkbox if it is selected report will haveanother fiel
suppname from supplier tabl
this whole process shold go for every selection in combo box agin an
please give code also or tell how to do u can give yr code accordin
to yr assumption i hope u have understand what i want i hope u wil
help me
yes, something like this:

Dim rpt As Report, strReportName As String
Set rpt = CreateReport
'add controls

strReportName = rpt.Name
DoCmd.Close acReport, strReportName, acSaveYes
DoCmd.Rename "MyReport1", acReport, strReportName

"MyReport1" - you can construct based on combobox value

Alex Dybenko (MVP)

prad said:
hi very very thanks it is working now
another question i want to know from u that is there any way to create
reports programmatically, again the name of report should be from
combobox selection
case histry - i have a form having twocombo box cbovolt , cbotypes and
checkbok chksuppname and commandbutton cmdok now if a user clicks
command button then code behind this should open report which are
created programmatically by taking values from combobox as a name of
report also this combobox value is the name of table on which report
will be based.this table are pre existing.in report a field
matnamewill be there fromthis preexisting table. this code also
checks for checkbox if it is selected report will haveanother field
suppname from supplier table
this whole process shold go for every selection in combo box agin and
please give code also or tell how to do u can give yr code according
to yr assumption i hope u have understand what i want i hope u will
help me

Alex Dybenkowrote: Yes,

strSQL="CREATE TABLE " & tabname & " ...rest of SQL"
currentdb.execute strSQL

Alex Dybenko (MVP)

is there any way to create table having name taken from a variable
which hold the concanated data from combo boxes with SQL CREATE
tabname = a & b & c
strSQL = "CREATE TABLE tblname"
actually i want tabname which holds concatenated value(name of the
table)in place of tblname in strSQL statement so that the table made
by SQL STATEMENTwill have name according to tabname selected by
thank u sir it is creating and saving reports according t
but i m not able to add control and get desired result because i m ne
to access and SQL so please according to my case histry give the th
code if u require something let me know i will supply to u or jus
give some complete coding for report that works in my pc so that
can understand how to do

Alex Dybenkowrote yes, something like this

Dim rpt As Report, strReportName As Strin
Set rpt = CreateRepor
'add control

strReportName = rpt.Nam
DoCmd.Close acReport, strReportName, acSaveYe
DoCmd.Rename "MyReport1", acReport, strReportNam

"MyReport1" - you can construct based on combobox valu

Alex Dybenko (MVP

hi very very thanks it is working no
another question i want to know from u that is there any way t creat
reports programmatically, again the name of report should be fro
combobox selectio
case histry - i have a form having twocombo box cbovolt , cbotype an
checkbok chksuppname and commandbutton cmdok now if a user click
command button then code behind this should open report which ar
created programmatically by taking values from combobox as a nam o
report also this combobox value is the name of table on whic repor
will be based.this table are pre existing.in report a fiel
matnamewill be there fromthis preexisting table. this code als
checks for checkbox if it is selected report will haveanother fiel
suppname from supplier tabl
this whole process shold go for every selection in combo box agi an
please give code also or tell how to do u can give yr cod accordin
to yr assumption i hope u have understand what i want i hope wil
help m

Alex Dybenkowrote

strSQL="CREATE TABLE " & tabname & " ...rest of SQL
currentdb.execute strSQ

Alex Dybenko (MVP

is there any way to create table having name taken from a variabl
which hold the concanated data from combo boxes with SQL CREAT
tabname = a & b &
strSQL = "CREATE TABLE tblname
actually i want tabname which holds concatenated value(name of th
table)in place of tblname in strSQL statement so that the tabl
by SQL STATEMENTwill have name according to tabname selected b
"CreateControl, CreateReportControl Functions" section example of Access
help show how to do add controls.

Alex Dybenko (MVP)

prad said:
thank u sir it is creating and saving reports according to
but i m not able to add control and get desired result because i m new
to access and SQL so please according to my case histry give the the
code if u require something let me know i will supply to u or just
give some complete coding for report that works in my pc so that i
can understand how to do.

Alex Dybenkowrote: yes, something like this:

Dim rpt As Report, strReportName As String
Set rpt = CreateReport
'add controls

strReportName = rpt.Name
DoCmd.Close acReport, strReportName, acSaveYes
DoCmd.Rename "MyReport1", acReport, strReportName

"MyReport1" - you can construct based on combobox value

Alex Dybenko (MVP)

hi very very thanks it is working now
another question i want to know from u that is there any way to create
reports programmatically, again the name of report should be from
combobox selection
case histry - i have a form having twocombo box cbovolt , cbotypes and
checkbok chksuppname and commandbutton cmdok now if a user clicks
command button then code behind this should open report which are
created programmatically by taking values from combobox as a name of
report also this combobox value is the name of table on which report
will be based.this table are pre existing.in report a field
matnamewill be there fromthis preexisting table. this code also
checks for checkbox if it is selected report will haveanother field
suppname from supplier table
this whole process shold go for every selection in combo box agin and
please give code also or tell how to do u can give yr code according
to yr assumption i hope u have understand what i want i hope u will
help me

Alex Dybenkowrote:

strSQL="CREATE TABLE " & tabname & " ...rest of SQL"
currentdb.execute strSQL

Alex Dybenko (MVP)

is there any way to create table having name taken from a variable
which hold the concanated data from combo boxes with SQL CREATE
tabname = a & b & c
strSQL = "CREATE TABLE tblname"
actually i want tabname which holds concatenated value(name of the
table)in place of tblname in strSQL statement so that the table
by SQL STATEMENTwill have name according to tabname selected by
hi i m having another problem related with earlier questio
tabname = a & b &
strSQL = "CREATE TABLE " & tabname & "
'c'is having sometime &,(xyz),.,and space betwwen words so whil
creating and saving with tabname it gives error' SYNTAX ERROR wit
CREATE TABLE' OR SYNTAX ERROR with fields it doesnt give error wit
simple text with no extra symbol or space. while it is creating an
saving in report with rename option. how i can have this extr
symbol and space in table name with sql statement. thanks waiting fo
yr reply

thank u sir it is creating and saving reports according t
but i m not able to add control and get desired result because i
new to access and SQL so please according to my case histry give th
the code if u require something let me know i will supply to u o
just give some complete coding for report that works in my pc so tha
i can understand how to do
Alex Dybenkowrote yes, something like this

Dim rpt As Report, strReportName As Strin
Set rpt = CreateRepor
'add control

strReportName = rpt.Nam
DoCmd.Close acReport, strReportName, acSaveYe
DoCmd.Rename "MyReport1", acReport, strReportNam

"MyReport1" - you can construct based on combobox valu

Alex Dybenko (MVP

hi very very thanks it is working no
another question i want to know from u that is there any way t creat
reports programmatically, again the name of report should be fro
combobox selectio
case histry - i have a form having twocombo box cbovolt , cbotype an
checkbok chksuppname and commandbutton cmdok now if a user click
command button then code behind this should open report which ar
created programmatically by taking values from combobox as a nam o
report also this combobox value is the name of table on whic repor
will be based.this table are pre existing.in report a fiel
matnamewill be there fromthis preexisting table. this code als
checks for checkbox if it is selected report will haveanother fiel
suppname from supplier tabl
this whole process shold go for every selection in combo box agi an
please give code also or tell how to do u can give yr cod accordin
to yr assumption i hope u have understand what i want i hope wil
help m

Alex Dybenkowrote

strSQL="CREATE TABLE " & tabname & " ...rest of SQL
currentdb.execute strSQ

Alex Dybenko (MVP

is there any way to create table having name taken from a variabl
which hold the concanated data from combo boxes with SQL CREAT
tabname = a & b &
strSQL = "CREATE TABLE tblname
actually i want tabname which holds concatenated value(name of th
table)in place of tblname in strSQL statement so that the tabl
by SQL STATEMENTwill have name according to tabname selected b
hi i m having another problem related with earlier questio
tabname = a & b &
strSQL = "CREATE TABLE " & tabname & "
'c'is having sometime &,(xyz),.,and space betwwen words so whil
creating and saving with tabname it gives error' SYNTAX ERROR wit
CREATE TABLE' OR SYNTAX ERROR with fields it doesnt give error wit
simple text with no extra symbol or space. while it is creating an
saving in report with rename option. how i can have this extr
symbol and space in table name with sql statement. thanks waiting fo
yr reply.if u dont mind please give mail id so i can discuss with

thank u sir it is creating and saving reports according t
but i m not able to add control and get desired result because i
new to access and SQL so please according to my case histry give th
the code if u require something let me know i will supply to u o
just give some complete coding for report that works in my pc so tha
i can understand how to do
Alex Dybenkowrote yes, something like this

Dim rpt As Report, strReportName As Strin
Set rpt = CreateRepor
'add control

strReportName = rpt.Nam
DoCmd.Close acReport, strReportName, acSaveYe
DoCmd.Rename "MyReport1", acReport, strReportNam

"MyReport1" - you can construct based on combobox valu

Alex Dybenko (MVP

hi very very thanks it is working no
another question i want to know from u that is there any way t creat
reports programmatically, again the name of report should be fro
combobox selectio
case histry - i have a form having twocombo box cbovolt , cbotype an
checkbok chksuppname and commandbutton cmdok now if a user click
command button then code behind this should open report which ar
created programmatically by taking values from combobox as a nam o
report also this combobox value is the name of table on whic repor
will be based.this table are pre existing.in report a fiel
matnamewill be there fromthis preexisting table. this code als
checks for checkbox if it is selected report will haveanother fiel
suppname from supplier tabl
this whole process shold go for every selection in combo box agi an
please give code also or tell how to do u can give yr cod accordin
to yr assumption i hope u have understand what i want i hope wil
help m

Alex Dybenkowrote

strSQL="CREATE TABLE " & tabname & " ...rest of SQL
currentdb.execute strSQ

Alex Dybenko (MVP

is there any way to create table having name taken from a variabl
which hold the concanated data from combo boxes with SQL CREAT
tabname = a & b &
strSQL = "CREATE TABLE tblname
actually i want tabname which holds concatenated value(name of th
table)in place of tblname in strSQL statement so that the tabl
by SQL STATEMENTwill have name according to tabname selected b