Talking about System Restore, Shane. That subject came up when I was going
to run WMPlayer Setup and was told I needed to get Fix Q290700 first. So I
did and installed it.
Yeah, interesting that. WMP9 can't be uninstalled but you can roll back to
before you installed it using SR. Which sensibly means you've got about a
week to decide if you're going to keep it. Anyway, so the installer looks
for 290700 - without which SR won't work. Yet the Windows Update Security CD
installs 290700 regardless of whether it already has been - which of course,
if it has, flushes your restore points. I think that maybe demonstrates
Microsoft's ambivalence towards SR, at least in ME. Or maybe between
departments at Redmond. But why they couldn't have used the same routine on
the CD as they use in WMP9's installer beats me!
Boy, did I think I was in trouble aftter that. Most of my quick link icons
were missing and local disk E had traded places with removable zip drive H.
Resigned to the fact I would have to resort tho the news group, I shut down
and started up again. Whoallah, everything was allright again.
The only visible change was that System Restore's past was erased and a new
automatic restore point created.
You've got a retail ME cd haven't you, Harry? The reason I ask is you can
burn the updated contents of C:\Windows\Options\Install (if retail)
....\Options\CABS (if OEM) and if you install from that - though fingers
crossed you'll never need to re-install ME again - it does so with the SR
update already applied. Though Windows Update says it isn't.
While you're at this, here's something you really ought to do. Open
C:\Windows\Scanreg.ini and add as the last line the following:
this will cause vmm32.vxd to be backed up along with the registry each day.
Usually if vmm32.vxd is damaged you have to re-install Windows, so it's very
useful to always have several good copies of it.
That's fine with me, because my Media Player 9 works fine now, which wasn't
the case before, when I got an error message and telling me to run setup.
Now the system is working good.
Hope it stays that way, Shane.
Fingers crossed! ;-)
Just about in time for WMP10 (if it's not solely for NT-based systems - the
current beta is). The beta's working fine on my XP.
btw DirectX 9.0c is available for download now - though only the developer's
redistributable which means you have to get the full 35 MB package. Probably
pretty pointless if what you've got's working OK now.