Merrill Grogel
I went on a golf course website from Thailand today and
immediately got hit with 17 spywares and probably a virus.
It appears that both Norton and Microsoft's Anti-Spy Ware
caught all (?) of them and apeared to erase them all.
However, I have one spyware that keeps reaccuring even
though I have "erased" it thru this product several times.
It has the words "hijack" and "calis" in the spyware. I
have searched my hard drive for files but can not find
them. Any suggestions ? It seems that all this product can
do is erase it only to have it reappear
immediately got hit with 17 spywares and probably a virus.
It appears that both Norton and Microsoft's Anti-Spy Ware
caught all (?) of them and apeared to erase them all.
However, I have one spyware that keeps reaccuring even
though I have "erased" it thru this product several times.
It has the words "hijack" and "calis" in the spyware. I
have searched my hard drive for files but can not find
them. Any suggestions ? It seems that all this product can
do is erase it only to have it reappear