Spyware Scanning Bug...



When I ran the Microsoft AntiSpyware scan I was notified
that I had the spyware "AdultLink.QBar (Browser Plug-
in)". When I expanded the "View all detected
locations.." it said it was in my Favorites\Links. I
have a favorites\links folder called "Sports" with all of
my sports links (ESPN, etc...). I backed up my favorites
and let the AntiSpyware remove the Sports folder and all
of the links inside of it.

Just to check it again, I added just the "Sports" folder
in my links again. Ran the scan and it notified me again
with the same error.

I think the scanner is incorrectly flagging this folder
as spyware when it isn't...

Steve Dodson [MSFT]

What signature version are you running? I attempted to repro this but
cannot. Let me know if it repros with the latest signatures.


Steve Dodson [MSFT]
PSS Security


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