Spyware Removed ALL kazza music

  • Thread starter Thread starter Adam S
  • Start date Start date

Adam S

I'm really pissed off at the moment.
I'm not stupid, techincally aware and thought "oo I'll
install Spyware by Microsoft. (I had Adaware).

First time Microsoft Spyware runs the scan it finds Kazaa
with the usual Gator,Cydoor Adware problems etc. So I
think I'll try it to see if it removes them and still
allows kazaa to work. (Usually it stops kazaa working).

I am asked if I want to quaranteen the Kazaa Ad Bundle so
I click yes. To my amazement it starts removing the My
Shared Folder content with all my .mp3, image and other
downloaded software!!!!!!

(Oh yes and before I did this I clicked on the "Create
Restore Point", just incase it all went wrong).

Anyway, realising it had quaranteed all my music I
decided to get it back by unquaranteening it. Which took
ages and froze my computer for 10 mins trying to list all
the files it had quaranteed. (That's terrible, in my Task
Manager this program is running up memory usage of about
80meg before it finally prints of its spyware history).

Anyway, it eventually unquaranteens it all!!.
Great, so I then place Kazaa and Claria on my ignore list
to Spyware won't try to delete it again.

The next day, I come back to my computer and notice
everything has gone. All my music (about 500 meg of it)
and Kazaa.

I'm startled and go to Spyware which shows the last scan
and says that Kazaa is quaranteened still. Everywhere I
look it says "1 Item Quaranteened". I go to the spyware
quaranteen zone but there's nothing in it.

I even went to check the Quaranteen directory in Program
Files/Microsoft Spyware/Quaranteen but it was empty.

But wait, it can't get any worse can it?
This is the best part!!
I can do a System Restore can't I?? Releaved I go to
System Restore and recover my computer a day before I
installed Spyware.

But guess what?
Your System Restore doesn't backup the music in your
Kazaa Folder.
So now, I've lost about 2 years of software downloads. My
kids are absolutely destrort.

Why does Microsoft Spyware decide to remove the My Shared
Folder (that is completely irrelevant to adverts) yet
it's System Restore ignores the folder???

Didn't ANYONE making this program think.. "Hang on a sec,
maybe people might not want all their music quaranteened".
I mean, it's not like Kazaa is unknown is it???

Obviously, if anyone has any ideas that would help me,
I'd really appreciate it.

I even downloaded an "Undelete" program to scan through
my computer to try and recover the music. After searching
through it all, I found nothing still.

Why did I bother thinking Microsoft might actually create
something friendly. I have screen shots off my scans etc
so if anyone wants to help, please do.

I'm going back to Adaware now which seems to be the best
program you can get and never caused me any problems.
Kind of like robbing a bank, losing the money and asking for help finding
the money you had stolen, huh?
Search for the files by name, hopefully they are somewhere else.
Make sure you are also searching hidden files.

1. This is a Beta.
Install a Beta at your own risk.
Be prepared for no support and a possible reinstall if nothing else resolves
If that is not acceptable, Beta products may not be for you.
This applies to all Beta products not just Microsoft Beta.

2. Restore lost data from back-ups.
You should always have back-ups of all important data.
System Restore is not a back-up plan since it is not designed to protect
personal files:
If important data was permanently lost, it may be because of at least 2
errors you made:
A. No back-ups
B. Installing a Beta on a computer with important data
Shame about your music, did you look at trying to restore
the quarantine?

- Restore quarantine
- Uninstall Kazaa (+Spyware)
- Move Music
- Install Emule (OpenSource Alternative, No Spyware)

If that fails you could look at undelete options, I would
bet your music is still on your hard disk, you just can't
see it.

PS Ignore the trolls.
Hello Adam

The music industry has been upset about how scurrilous people like you use
decent, honest Microsoft products like Windows to aid in their theft of
copyrighted material with what you people euphimisticaly refer to as "File
Sharing" applications. To help combat this outright, blatant thievery,
programmers have created an application that appears to be Anti-Spyware, but
in reality is an application designed to delete such stolen material.
Thankyou for your helpful feedback --- it's good to know our product works
as intended !!!
Actually, you haven't got Bill's address correct, among other errors in ths
silly message.
It's public--as are a great many email addresses at Microsoft.

I doubt that he reads much of the mail sent to that address, but it does get


(actually - I can't find it, now that I am looking for it--things have
tightened up some since I last looked it up which was several years ago--but
it isn't what was in that troll.)
I hear that term bandied about a lot --- Troll. What exactly is a troll?
Or does it not have a definition, but is just a generic, negative label used
to denigrate people whose posts you don't like?
I just had the same problem. I have a ton of personal
recordings in my Kazaa shared folder and this so-called
antispyware deleted everything. I lost a few hundred megs
of music, video, and stills. I do have everything backed
up but it will be a hassle to replace it on the hard drive.

And before any of you jackasses start mouthing off about
how it's so justified that my music was deleted, you
should know that it was my own personally recorded music
and video. Not the crap that the overpaid
commercialized "artists" put on the market.

Apparently when the Antispyware deletes files it
overwrites them as well. Two different Undelete programs
failed to find a trace of my music and video files on my
hard drive. System restore didn't do any good either.

Hopefully Microsoft will get this worked out. Otherwise
it seems to work fine so far.
Tom H wrote on 15-Jan-2005 7:59 PM:
I hear that term bandied about a lot --- Troll. What exactly is a troll?
Or does it not have a definition, but is just a generic, negative label used
to denigrate people whose posts you don't like?

The original meaning of troll, from the days of "usenet" which predated
the Internet, was as in "to troll", meaning to drop some bait in the
water and wait to see what chumps take the bait. These days most people
think it refers to the person who is doing the trolling, trying to stir
up trouble.

Either way, it is a label for a troublemaker, someone who wants to start
an argument, but isn't interested in debate.
Well, you might think of yourself as competent, but since you sure can't
spell worth a **** --- I for one, doubt your claim to be "techincally"
aware. Hah! What a joke THAT is. A guy who can't even spell the word
'technical' claims to be proficient in the running of a digital computing
device, my god, where do these clowns come from?
Oh, by the way, (sorry, I forgot to put this in my last post) how can you
people be so pissed off at the behaviour of the system restore function? It
says right in the documentation that it doesn't back up data, that's why
it's called 'System' restore as opposed to something like 'Data' restore, or
'Document Folder' restore. It's not like Ghost, which copies the entire
partition, it makes that abundantly clear if you would only read the
documentation. Don't believe even an end-user could be so stupid? I know,
either did I, but look, here is a direct quote from this retards post:

I dont see what's wrong it worked ?

-----Original Message-----
I'm really pissed off at the moment.
I'm not stupid, techincally aware and thought "oo I'll
install Spyware by Microsoft. (I had Adaware).

First time Microsoft Spyware runs the scan it finds Kazaa
with the usual Gator,Cydoor Adware problems etc. So I
think I'll try it to see if it removes them and still
allows kazaa to work. (Usually it stops kazaa working).

I am asked if I want to quaranteen the Kazaa Ad Bundle so
I click yes. To my amazement it starts removing the My
Shared Folder content with all my .mp3, image and other
downloaded software!!!!!!

(Oh yes and before I did this I clicked on the "Create
Restore Point", just incase it all went wrong).

Anyway, realising it had quaranteed all my music I
decided to get it back by unquaranteening it. Which took
ages and froze my computer for 10 mins trying to list all
the files it had quaranteed. (That's terrible, in my Task
Manager this program is running up memory usage of about
80meg before it finally prints of its spyware history).

Anyway, it eventually unquaranteens it all!!.
Great, so I then place Kazaa and Claria on my ignore list
to Spyware won't try to delete it again.

The next day, I come back to my computer and notice
everything has gone. All my music (about 500 meg of it)
and Kazaa.

I'm startled and go to Spyware which shows the last scan
and says that Kazaa is quaranteened still. Everywhere I
look it says "1 Item Quaranteened". I go to the spyware
quaranteen zone but there's nothing in it.

I even went to check the Quaranteen directory in Program
Files/Microsoft Spyware/Quaranteen but it was empty.

But wait, it can't get any worse can it?
This is the best part!!
I can do a System Restore can't I?? Releaved I go to
System Restore and recover my computer a day before I
installed Spyware.

But guess what?
Your System Restore doesn't backup the music in your
Kazaa Folder.
So now, I've lost about 2 years of software downloads. My
kids are absolutely destrort.

Why does Microsoft Spyware decide to remove the My Shared
Folder (that is completely irrelevant to adverts) yet
it's System Restore ignores the folder???

Didn't ANYONE making this program think.. "Hang on a sec,
maybe people might not want all their music quaranteened".
I mean, it's not like Kazaa is unknown is it???

Obviously, if anyone has any ideas that would help me,
I'd really appreciate it.

I even downloaded an "Undelete" program to scan through
my computer to try and recover the music. After searching
through it all, I found nothing still.

Why did I bother thinking Microsoft might actually create
something friendly. I have screen shots off my scans etc
so if anyone wants to help, please do.

I'm going back to Adaware now which seems to be the best
program you can get and never caused me any problems.

Damn dude... you sure can make a big deal out of a common
typo error. There are a couple errors in your own post as
well. I suppose you can't run a "digital computing
device" either?

By the way, did your post have any meaning other than to
attempt to slam someone and put them down? You actually
expended energy just to hurt someone whom you don't even
know. You went out of your way to attempt to cause
someone pain. You get off on that? Does that make you
feel good? To hurt people? You must be a very lonely
Geesh said:
Oh get a life! Anyone can make a mistake in the spelling
of a word when typing quickly.

Yes, but the spellchecker should catch it. You DO know how to
turn on the spellcheck option, right?
Secondly, most people are intelligent enough to read over what
they wrote before hitting the Send button.
In my case, I intended to refer to the post itself, rather than the person
who posted it.

I'm not sure this usage of the term is perfect--the post is clearly
malicious, and it's a drive-by--no follow ups or useful discussion arising
out of it.