From: "Dawn" <
[email protected]>
| My laptop was running just fine one minute. I walked away from it and then a
| couple hours later I noticed that a rectangular black window had appeared in
| the middle of my desktop, stating SPYWARE INFECTION, and instructing me that
| spyware was installed on my system, recommends do not use the computer and
| tells me to use a spyware removal tool. I have Norton Anti Virus - its scan
| says I have no problems. I downloaded Microsoft AntiSpyware - it says I have
| no spyware issues. I downloaded something called Spy Fighter, its says I have
| no spyware. I rebooted. I changed my desktop screen. Nothing. I still have
| this scary black window on my desktop that will not move or remove. Any ideas?
| --
| Dawn Calfa
Two part reply..
Perform Part 1 then perform Part 2.
If the first two parts don't work, perform the alternate utility.
It is suggested that you execute each tool in Normal Mode then in Safe Mode.
If you are using any version of Sun Java that is prior to JRE Version 5.0,
then you are strongly urged to remove any/all versions that are prior to JRE
Version 5.0. There are vulnerabilities in them and they are actively being exploited.
It is possible that is how you got infected with malware.
Therefore, it is highly suggested that if there are any prior versions of Sun Java
to Version 5 on the PC that they be removed and Sun Java JRE Version 5.0 Update 6
be installed ASAP.
Part 1
Use noahdfear's SmitFraud and SpyAxe removal tool -- SmitRem.exe counter/click.php?id=1
Part 2
Download SmitFraud.exe from the URL --
Execute; SmitFraud.exe { Note: You must accept the default of C:\McAfee }
Choose; Unzip
Choose; Close
NOTE: You may have to disable your software FireWall or allow WGET.EXE to go through your
FireWall to enable WGET.EXE to download the needed McAfee related files.
Execute; c:\mcafee\clean.bat
{ or Double-click on 'Clean Link' in c:\mcafee }
A final report in HTML format called C:\mcafee\ScanReport.HTML will be generated. At the
end of the scan, it will be displayed in your browser (Opera, FireFox or Internet Explorer).
It is suggested that you move the report out of c:\mcafee before performing another scan.
Secured2K's SpyAxe, PSGuard, Smitfraud, Sinnaka and Alemod removal tool.
Please Copy and Paste the contents of the HTML Log file; C:\mcafee\ScanReport.HTML in your
* * * Please report back your results * * *