spyware named Trojan Z




I've installed the Beta Version Microsoft Antispyware on
my PC.I have had an problem with my internet explorer.The
starting site is not my site anymore.any spy program
change it allways after internet- connection and slow down
my pc. The antispyware program find a lot on my computer
and removed it . but one program named trojan z comes
always back.the spyware software find it and destroy it
allways but it comes again and again. What can I do.

Lucky from Germany

Chuck Davis

-----Original Message-----

I've installed the Beta Version Microsoft Antispyware on
my PC.I have had an problem with my internet explorer.The
starting site is not my site anymore.any spy program
change it allways after internet- connection and slow down
my pc. The antispyware program find a lot on my computer
and removed it . but one program named trojan z comes
always back.the spyware software find it and destroy it
allways but it comes again and again. What can I do.

Lucky from Germany
Spyware and trojan viruses are different animals. Try:
or http://www.symantec.com/avcenter/tools.list.html


The best thing is to do a full restore. But try this go to
search and type in the name of the file and delete it that
way, If that doesn't work then do a full restore.


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