Spyware Made IE 6 require http:// in address bar to get to website




I ran across a strange problem when I received a bad spyware
problem that had set my browsers homepage to startpage.exe. I used
spybot and ad-aware to remove the spyware and was finaly able to get
my homepage to stay at what I wanted. The spyware problem seemed to be
cleared up and ad-aware is keeping it that way which is good.

However, now in order for me to go to any websites at all I have
to type http:// before every address. I can't just type www.google.com
any more. I have to type http://www.google.com for it to work. I've
updated IE to the latest updates for Service Pack 1 but It still
hasn't work. I'm almost tempted to install netscape or something and
then uninstall IE all together and reinstall it. Is there any other
way to fix this problem or should I go ahead with the reiinstall of
IE? Any help would be great! :blush:)


Download RepairDefaultPrefix.reg

----- ~~~Cindy~~~ wrote: ----


I ran across a strange problem when I received a bad spywar
problem that had set my browsers homepage to startpage.exe. I use
spybot and ad-aware to remove the spyware and was finaly able to ge
my homepage to stay at what I wanted. The spyware problem seemed to b
cleared up and ad-aware is keeping it that way which is good

However, now in order for me to go to any websites at all I hav
to type http:// before every address. I can't just type www.google.co
any more. I have to type http://www.google.com for it to work. I'v
updated IE to the latest updates for Service Pack 1 but It stil
hasn't work. I'm almost tempted to install netscape or something an
then uninstall IE all together and reinstall it. Is there any othe
way to fix this problem or should I go ahead with the reiinstall o
IE? Any help would be great! :blush:


Here is a fix that was listed in another post...

Correct these registry entries as follows:
on\URL\DefaultPrefix default="http://"


Good Luck,

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