Spyware detection is a JOKE

  • Thread starter Thread starter Lynn
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I just uninstalled Anti Spyware beta....3 other spyware
programs ALL said I had 18 types of spyware, malware,
etc. yet Microsoft Anti Spyware said my system was
clean...and has found absolutely NOTHING since it was
installed. Seems spyware is following is the footsteps
of all the lousy software coming out of Microsoft these

Seems Bill Gates is still ripping off consumers...one way
or another............what a JOKE!!
cookies are not dangerous. You can block and managing
cookins from your internet browser yourself
You are a rude m*th*erf*ck*r aren't you.
MS Antispyware is a piece of bs produced by MS just to
try and pretend that they care about security and are
duping users.
Where possible, don't use MS software.
If you think the other guy is rude then you must be the most rude guy here.
MSAS I find is one of the best products out there so far. It does remove
alot of NG programs. And tries to prevent them from getting nto your
computer. But like the guy said it does not look or cookies. And I don't
think that is what MSAS should focus on since it is not the biggest problem.
Lynn said:
I just uninstalled Anti Spyware beta....3 other spyware
programs ALL said I had 18 types of spyware, malware,
etc. yet Microsoft Anti Spyware said my system was
clean...and has found absolutely NOTHING since it was
installed. Seems spyware is following is the footsteps
of all the lousy software coming out of Microsoft these

Seems Bill Gates is still ripping off consumers...one way
or another............what a JOKE!!

You know it's really not Microsofts fault if some people don't really know
what a beta is and are incapable of figuring out what an application is
supposed to do or not to do. There is no perfect software for any OS and I'm
not a big fan of Windows, but it seems to me that MS has been making pretty
good progress with this.

It's probably a good thing that you uninstalled it. You should wait for the
final product which should run without any thinking on your part. You do
know what thinking is?
-----Original Message-----
If you think the other guy is rude then you must be the most rude guy here.
MSAS I find is one of the best products out there so far. It does remove
alot of NG programs. And tries to prevent them from getting nto your
computer. But like the guy said it does not look or cookies. And I don't
think that is what MSAS should focus on since it is not the biggest problem.


To quote one of Robin Walker`s (MVP) earlier postings when
asked about cookies. "There are fare more serious things
to worry about than cookies" and I agree as they are only
text files. I have found it a good prog which has
generally worked to expectation bar a few hiccups which
one would expect of beta software. I thought thats one of
the reasons why they (MS) have started this newsgroup. So
that they could read and evaluate CONSTRUCTIVE feedback in
order to improve the product, not lay themselves open to
libellous, idiotic comments.


If you want to attack anyone, ATTACK Giant Company
because very little changes were made to the original
source code that Giant Company produced for Giant
AntiSpyware, now known as Microsoft Windows AntiSpyware.

Take just a little time to get your facts straight before
you attack MS, or any company for that matter. By the
way, if you don't like MS, DO NOT use their products and
stop bashing them because you come off as the REAL m*f*er
here. As MS has many loyal users, and losing one isn't
going to hurt their sales any!!

You know what I'd like to see, MS take the idiots who
think that they can attack MS and its products to court
in libel cases, just so the rest of us DO NOT have to
listen to your IDIOTIC comments and because yor attacks
DO cut into their sales, which is a crime I might add!
If the attacks lead to a big enough lose, it becomes
larceny, and might even lead to a felony. Just think
back to the entire finger-in-a-bowl-of-chili fraud at
Wendy's, where the woman who "found" the finger is now
awaiting trial on larcney charges. If see is convicted,
she WILL go to jail AND have to pay restitution to

Personally, I like the protection which MSAS offers; it is an excellent

Tracking cookies are spyware, but they aren't currently a cause for concern.

To prevent most tracking cookies:
Internet Explorer -> Tools -> Internet Options -> Privacy -> Advanced
Turn on: Override automatic cookie handling
First-party Cookies - Accept
Third-party Cookies - Block

Joshua Cohen
Hi Lynn,
Thanks for your opinions.
I would be interested in what 'other spyware' was found by the other
Cookies or dataminers would be my bet.

In the Beta1 version, the program doesn't go into the cookie jar, nor does
it chase data miner objects.

Ron Chamberlin
<I thought thats one of the reasons why they (MS) have started this
newsgroup. So that they could read and evaluate CONSTRUCTIVE feedback in
order to improve the product, ......>
Bingo! I wish for helping users, a good debate, helping more users, and
perhaps a smile or two.

Taking pot shots at folks or even companies does nobody any good. Anyone's
constructive criticism is welcome tho.

Ron Chamberlin
guy look it like this not all will catch thing when a new
virus come out it too will not been seen by any antivirus
only after a time the tech-team know what it they can
search for it to block or remove.

MS-Anti Spyware beta is a sweet item to have anyways

i use:
1.) Webroot-Spy Sweeper (said system clean not so)
2.) Spybot - Search & Destroy (said system clean not so)
3.) Lavasoft-Ad-Aware SE Personal (said system clean Not

i instill Microsoft AntiSpyware will here the log-file it
says all:
this the scan log report:
Spyware Scan Details
Start Date: 7/25/2005 8:53:33 PM
End Date: 7/25/2005 8:58:59 PM
Total Time: 5 mins 26 secs

Detected Threats

XferPro Trojan Downloader more information...
Status: Removed
Severe threat - Severe-risk items have an extreme
potential for harm, such as a security exploit, and
should be removed.

Infected registry keys/values detected
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\classes\.xx Backup File.Xxe
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\classes\.xx File.Xxe
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\classes\.xx Content Type

Detected Spyware Cookies
No spyware cookies were found during this scan.
end of story not any one type of software of any type is
100% do their job at all, they on the other will help
keep the system running better 95% like all thing there
going to be a joker out there do thing and always some
thing new will come up.

note: don't trust one software anti-virus or anti-adware
will catch all things it best to scan with others
software to help keep it clean thats why i use 4 type now
anti-adware not all running by the way same time and two
types of anti-virus programs one is mainly use and the
other is there for on demand scan to see as a backup.
==================Learn ok be fore screaming at others====
Just stumbled across your response, which inadvertently
answered a question about which I was typing a post.
That is, why doesn't Antispyware identify, prevent and/or
remove spyware cookies? I was wondering why these where
proliferating like rabbits. Know when that capability
will be added?

Microsoft has publicly stated several times that selective scanning and
removal of cookies is "under consideration" and "may be added to the beta
product in a later build."

To the "(wish I was) MUCH MORE INTELEGENT (pathetic) USER".

If Microsoft is going to buy a program from another company to sell as their
own, they should leave it the way it was. GIANT Antispyware made it to the
top for a reason. It detected things that none of the other programs out
there did. Yes, that included tracking cookies. Spyware also includes
these... not just programs. I used Giant software for a long time and was
very happy with the results. Now that the sub has expired and I'm forced to
use Microsoft (if I want to stay with the same program), so far it has been a
joke. I've used it for 1 month and it still hasn't detected anything that
PestPatrol and Ad-Aware always seem to detect. Giant was so much better than
both of these programs combined. Microsoft has ruined a great program.
I encountered this XferPro false positive after I set up WinCode and clicked
on Associate to automatically decode 18 file types, including .mim .xxe and
..xx .
HKLM\Software\classes\.xx gets populated, and
Software\classes\.xx\shell\open got set to path\Wincode.exe %1.

Chief ADFP said:
this the scan log report:
Spyware Scan Details
Start Date: 7/25/2005 8:53:33 PM
End Date: 7/25/2005 8:58:59 PM
Total Time: 5 mins 26 secs

Detected Threats

XferPro Trojan Downloader more information...
Status: Removed
Severe threat - Severe-risk items have an extreme
potential for harm, such as a security exploit, and
should be removed.

Infected registry keys/values detected
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\classes\.xx Backup File.Xxe
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\classes\.xx File.Xxe
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\classes\.xx Content Type