Spyware and error message

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alan
  • Start date Start date


When trying to install spyware blocker, I keep getting a
message "incorrect command line parameter". Earthlink tech
support was not able to help. Any ideas?
Was Earthlink the developer of this unnamed spam blocker software? Is
there a reason why you are hiding the name of the software which
prevents its other users from helping you?
Check with the product developers....not likely to be a native Windows
Eartlink distributes a utility called "spyware blocker" that blocks spyware,
not spam.
BTW, the name of the software is "Spyware Blocker", so I do not think he is
hiding the name since he tells you what it is in the first sentence of his

To the original poster, If EarthLink can't help you, don't waste your time
with their software.
Use AdAware and Spybot Search and Destroy instead.
*IF* you were a user of Earthlink *AND* you knew about their provided
anti-spyware utility then it would be obvious by Alan's originating post
that he was talking about Earthlink's Spyware Blocker program. Just
saying that Earthlink couldn't help in no way identifies that the
program was Earthlink's. He's also asking here. Does that mean we all
provided the program? Or that it is a Microsoft product because it was
posted in a microsoft.* newsgroup? And how are we volunteers supposed
to know that "When trying to install spyware blocker ..." wasn't really
"When trying to install *a* spyware blocker ..."? Even I occasionally
misspell or omit a word. You usually see what you expect to see when
proofreading your own message.

If Earthlink cannot help in regards to their own product, then it's
probably not really their program and was coded by some external entity
under contract to Earthlink or a commercial product known by another
name and disguised as a solution from Earthlink (a bit of text probing
in the executable might reveal who really wrote it). Looks like it's
time to look to an anti-spyware product that actually can be installed,
like SpyBot, Ad-Aware, SpywareBlaster, or SpywareGuard. Pest Patrol
also has anti-spyware features but costs $40; I like free stuff when it
works well. I'm a bit surprised that Earthlink provides anti-spyware
since some scum are now pestering the anti-spyware makers with nuisance
lawsuits; the scum don't like to be identified as spyware proliferators
as it hurts their image and probably hurts their sales. GOOD! Wouldn't
it be great if the result of the lawsuits was a legal definition of
spyware so this scum could be countersued because of their frivolous

Could also be that Alan isn't telling us the whole story and that his
logon is a limited account that doesn't allow installation of software.
Could be the download is corrupt and he needs to download it again from
http://www.earthlink.net/home/software/. At this point, what help he
got from Earthlink wasn't mentioned so we could end up duplicating a lot
of what Earthlink already tried.
Vanguard said:
*IF* you were a user of Earthlink

No, I'm not. Would'nyt touch them with a ten foot pole.

*AND* you knew about their provided
anti-spyware utility

I did'nt until Alans post. It only took 5 seconds to check what it was he
was talking about.

then it would be obvious by Alan's originating post
that he was talking about Earthlink's Spyware Blocker program.

Like I said, I don't use Earthlink, never heard of the software before, and
I'm not a rocket scientist. It only took a little common sense and a few
seconds to see what he was talking about.

saying that Earthlink couldn't help in no way identifies that the
program was Earthlink's. He's also asking here. Does that mean we all
provided the program? Or that it is a Microsoft product because it was
posted in a microsoft.* newsgroup? And how are we volunteers supposed
to know that "When trying to install spyware blocker ..." wasn't really
"When trying to install *a* spyware blocker ..."?

Go to www.google.com and type Earthlink spyware blocker.
If you don't know what a poster is talking about, why try to guess?

Even I occasionally
misspell or omit a word. You usually see what you expect to see when
proofreading your own message.

If Earthlink cannot help in regards to their own product, then it's
probably not really their program and was coded by some external entity
under contract to Earthlink or a commercial product known by another
name and disguised as a solution from Earthlink (a bit of text probing
in the executable might reveal who really wrote it). Looks like it's
time to look to an anti-spyware product that actually can be installed,
like SpyBot, Ad-Aware, SpywareBlaster, or SpywareGuard. Pest Patrol
also has anti-spyware features but costs $40;

As I said in my post.

I like free stuff when it
works well. I'm a bit surprised that Earthlink provides anti-spyware
since some scum are now pestering the anti-spyware makers with nuisance
lawsuits; the scum don't like to be identified as spyware proliferators
as it hurts their image and probably hurts their sales. GOOD! Wouldn't
it be great if the result of the lawsuits was a legal definition of
spyware so this scum could be countersued because of their frivolous

Could also be that Alan isn't telling us the whole story and that his
logon is a limited account that doesn't allow installation of software.
Could be the download is corrupt and he needs to download it again from
http://www.earthlink.net/home/software/. At this point, what help he
got from Earthlink wasn't mentioned so we could end up duplicating a lot
of what Earthlink already tried.

Unfortunetly, the words "help" and "Earthlink" rarely go together. ;-)
In most cases you would get better help/support asking the kid down the
block then asking Earthlinks "tech support".