Spyware added items to tool menu



A spyware program added some items to my tool menu and I
cannot find a way to remove them. Does anyone know how
to remove items from the tool menu?

Alan Edwards

Use Regedit.exe and remove the item. It should be under here:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Extensions

This may not help for long if you still have the spyware.


Alan Edwards

Thanks, but I suggest you respond to the OP rather than me, though I
have no idea why you want him to uninstall AdAware (as he has not
indicated he has it) and then reinstall it.

Why the mystery on what it is called?
It is probably called "Ad-aware 6 Personal" or similar, but I still
don't follow why on earth you suggest he remove it.


Marko Lukowsky

Go into control panel, click on "Add/Remove Programs", go over list and
remove the AdAware program. Now this is tricky, because you'll have to know
what it is called but you should be able to figure it out. Also install the
latest version of AdAware (Freeware) which will find all related files and
remove them.

Marko Lukowsky

Boy did I screw up that reply- Sorry. I meant uninstall the spyware, not the
AdAware program. I had a program installed when I visited a webpage that
added a toolbar so I looked in my "Add/remove programs" list and hunted it
down and removed it. It had a weird name like WatchU or something close to
it. Solved the problem. When I removed it a window came up asking if I was
sure I wanted it removed since I would miss out on 1000's of free coupons!
These people that create these programs have nerve.

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