Windows defender beta 2; XP SP2 (all updates)
In settings, Spynet, I have clicked 'become an advanced member'.
In settings, General settings, I have checked notify 'when changes are
detected from software that has not yet been classified'.
I have one app, Everest Ultimate edition, for which each time I use it I get
an alert that it has not yet been classified. I allow it. But how do I get
that info to Spynet so that Everest Ultimate can be classified as legitimate?
I am on line when I allow, but I can't see any network traffic that might
suggest the info is being sent out.
In Antispyware there was an option to send to Spynet, I can't find it in
Windows Defender.
The help file says
By joining the online community, you can see how other people respond to
Windows Defender alerts. Not all software that is detected is spyware but
Windows Defender alerts you if software has not yet been classified for
risks. Seeing how other people respond to each item can help you choose what
to do. In turn, if you participate, your choices are added to the community
ratings to help other people take action. In Windows Defender, community
ratings are displayed as a bar graph that shows the percentage of users who
have allowed each item.
Where can I see the bar graph referred to?
How do I communicate with Spynet?
If Spynet is not active, then I'll opt out and disable alerts on not yet
classified items as the alerts are in themselves irritating and I only would
want to have them if I knew that it was contributing to the improvement of
Windows Defender.
In settings, Spynet, I have clicked 'become an advanced member'.
In settings, General settings, I have checked notify 'when changes are
detected from software that has not yet been classified'.
I have one app, Everest Ultimate edition, for which each time I use it I get
an alert that it has not yet been classified. I allow it. But how do I get
that info to Spynet so that Everest Ultimate can be classified as legitimate?
I am on line when I allow, but I can't see any network traffic that might
suggest the info is being sent out.
In Antispyware there was an option to send to Spynet, I can't find it in
Windows Defender.
The help file says
By joining the online community, you can see how other people respond to
Windows Defender alerts. Not all software that is detected is spyware but
Windows Defender alerts you if software has not yet been classified for
risks. Seeing how other people respond to each item can help you choose what
to do. In turn, if you participate, your choices are added to the community
ratings to help other people take action. In Windows Defender, community
ratings are displayed as a bar graph that shows the percentage of users who
have allowed each item.
Where can I see the bar graph referred to?
How do I communicate with Spynet?
If Spynet is not active, then I'll opt out and disable alerts on not yet
classified items as the alerts are in themselves irritating and I only would
want to have them if I knew that it was contributing to the improvement of
Windows Defender.