From: "Lawrence Abrams" <
[email protected]>
| As the owner of and the writer of the guide, I thought
| it would be beneficial for me to pop in here and squelch this before it gets
| out of control.
| SpyCrush is a rogue anti-spyware program that is typically installed without
| your permission via Zlob trojans. Zlob trojans are programs that masquerade
| as Windows video or audio codecs, password managers, etc but in reality do
| not do anything but install this program along with other malware.
| Smitfraudfix is a program designed to remove these types of programs and it
| was created by a developer and security analyst named Siri. Included with
| this program is a tool called process.exe that is used to kill processes.
| It is a perfectly legitimate program, but as it is sometimes used by
| hackers, it can be flagged by antivirus programs as a RiskTool. I repeat,
| there is absolutely nothing at all malicious about this program and you
| should allow it to run.
| More information about process.exe and how it gets flagged when running
| SmitFraudFix can be found towards the end of this link:
| I hope this has helped clear up this confusion.
| Lawrence Abrams
Pleasure to see you post here Lawrence and... Thank you.