a brief question about spybot s&d.i have been using this program for quite a
while now and seems to be working very well in tandem with mas.however,i have
read in several posts that i should not immunize my system due to conflicts
with mas' real time protection.i have been using the immunize feature without
any apparent effects up to this point.could someone more versed in these
features please explain why not to use the immunization promt.thanks in
advance.best regards
while now and seems to be working very well in tandem with mas.however,i have
read in several posts that i should not immunize my system due to conflicts
with mas' real time protection.i have been using the immunize feature without
any apparent effects up to this point.could someone more versed in these
features please explain why not to use the immunization promt.thanks in
advance.best regards