I have submitted a ticket to ask for a whatsnew.txt file, but no reply was
given for the time being. It seems that quite a number of customers,
including me have reported bugs found in the 4.X version and they are
working every day to fix the bugs. is smooth and stable, and I
would still recommend if you experience slow down in running the
program itself.
| what exactly do they fix on all this version? no
| explanation on the site.
| >-----Original Message-----
| >Spy Sweeper is up to - I downloaded it today.
| >
| >>-----Original Message-----
| >>Yes, it is a typo mistake. It should be
| >>You can go to
| >
| >and
| >>fill in the e-mail address with which you make the
| >purchase and they will
| >>send you the link for the most updated version.
| >>
| >>
| >>
| >message
| >>| >>| Where do you pick the updates from. I'm still using
| 352
| >>| and acccording to SS there are no updates available?
| >>|
| >>| Just interested.
| >>|
| >>| >-----Original Message-----
| >>| >the new version is spysweeper 4.0.3 (build 359).
| this
| >is
| >>| >the right version. although i haven't encountere any
| >>| >issue running it alongside MSAS. I found spysweeper
| >>| >performance under limited account to be slow and it
| has
| >>| >some UI issue.
| >>| >
| >>| >
| >>| >>-----Original Message-----
| >>| >>Spy Sweeper was released yesterday. It
| >runs
| >>| >OK with both MSAS
| >>| >>and Ad-ware Professional 1.06 running in the
| >background.
| >>| >>
| >>| >>
| >>| >>.
| >>| >>
| >>| >.
| >>| >
| >>
| >>
| >>.
| >>
| >.
| >