Spy Sheriff !

Aug 24, 2005
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Hi, I have the ****ing Spy Sheriff virus...

I have two red X to down at right et a have a big words on my screen is :


With a message

And I can't change my background picture

And I have lost my TRASH ( Corbeille ) I dont see the TRASH anywhere

Please help me ! Check that picture

I got the same thing the other week from a site that i thought was doggy, but i forgote to check my firewall and such. The only thing that i was able to do about it was, reinstall windows. It seemed a little extreeme but i did it, and reinstalled everything els that i had on computer.
can you boot your computer into safe mode?? sometimes viruses dont work in safe mode and then you can run your antivirus scan and also sometimes when you buy your antivurs programs it comes with a bootabvle disk so you can boot from the disk and run a virus scan from the disk
hope this helps
Now is correct !

Thank for your help chelseafc2005 !

Yea I try in safe mode and after that I have remove the virus but... I can't change my background, I don't know how repair it !

But I have format my Pc now is correct !

My suggestion with Spy Sheriff is : SAVE YOUR IMPORTANT FILES ON ''LAN or CD''

And after format !
I found a way to get around it; go to start, controle pannel, then display. From there you can change your background. Then if you go under desktop, you go to costomize desktop, and go to the web tag. Your back ground is being use as a web page. Turn that off and you should be able to go back to your old background.