wildlife guy said:
I see what you are sying joe but i would like
to add the values as we
eg. A A B A B 40
If A=10 and B=15, A+A+B+A+B is 60, not 40.
Is "A A B A B" a string in a single cell, or does A A B A B represent the
contents of 5 cells?
In either case, I am struggling with an Excel formula to calculate the sum.
I'll continue to think about it. But it appears to be a mess, in any case.
A VBA solution is concise, efficient and easy to implement. Is that
If A1 contains the string "A A B A B" and X1:X26 contains the 26 values for
each letter, the formula would be:
=sumcodes(A1, X1:X26)
The VBA function is:
Function sumcodes(s As String, v As Range) As Double
Dim i As Integer, c As String * 1, sc As Double
For i = 1 To Len(s)
c = UCase(Mid(s, i, 1))
If "A" <= c And c <= "Z" Then sc = sc + v.Cells(Asc(c) - 64, 1)
Next i
sumcodes = sc
End Function
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