Spreadsheet with data on two lines

  • Thread starter Thread starter TammyS
  • Start date Start date


I have a sheet of records where the data for each record is on two lines;.


Vendor Name Agency
Amt of Award Award Date

Is there any way to move up the data to one line so we can sort it to our
A macro maybe?

Thank you SOOOO much!

Assuming your example is in cells A1:B2, you could write a formula in columns
C:D so that C1=B1 and D1=B2. Copy this formula all the way down, copy/paste
as values and then sort by Vendor name. Delete the values and you should be
You are so nice to respond and I feel like an idiot, but here it is...

I am basically inserting a new column 'C', and in cell C2 saying =B4. That
gets the info I want onto one line...and on and on.

Then I want to resort the table and get rid of the extra line.

But don't I need to make all of the cell references asbsolute before I can
do that. I can't see how to make a cell reference absolute except in the
'paste special' menu when you get that choice.

?? I used to do it in Lotus all the time, but have been stymied by Excel.
Please help if you can!
Oh, once you've written your formulas and lined up all of the data, select
the entire table, copy, paste special, values (ALT + E, S, V), and then sort.
Should have been clearer.