Does anyone know of any design conventions that dictate the correct
orientation (i.e. row-column or column-row) of data within a spreadsheet?
Where I wish to display an independent variable (e.g. the months of a year)
against a dependent variable (e.g. company profits), there is a design
decision to be made as to which variable I store in rows, and which I store
in columns. I would like to know if there is any rigorous method I can rely
upon to take this decision before embarking on building any large
spreadsheet model. Please note, I am aware of the 256 column limitation in
Further background: To date, each of the several Excel modellers in my
company has tended to make his/her own decision on this matter, resulting in
a lack of standardisation. We have used the Transpose function where we have
needed to conform two spreadsheets that have different orientation. We would
like to implement a rigorous and objective standard that will be
self-evident to all of our spreadsheet modellers, to enable simple
interoperability of all of our spreadsheets, going forward.
orientation (i.e. row-column or column-row) of data within a spreadsheet?
Where I wish to display an independent variable (e.g. the months of a year)
against a dependent variable (e.g. company profits), there is a design
decision to be made as to which variable I store in rows, and which I store
in columns. I would like to know if there is any rigorous method I can rely
upon to take this decision before embarking on building any large
spreadsheet model. Please note, I am aware of the 256 column limitation in
Further background: To date, each of the several Excel modellers in my
company has tended to make his/her own decision on this matter, resulting in
a lack of standardisation. We have used the Transpose function where we have
needed to conform two spreadsheets that have different orientation. We would
like to implement a rigorous and objective standard that will be
self-evident to all of our spreadsheet modellers, to enable simple
interoperability of all of our spreadsheets, going forward.