Windows XP Spooler Wont Start

Don Harmon85

I HaveTried And Tried TO START MY PRINT SPOOLER It Wont Star Please Help
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don, it's almost 2am here in the uk.

More posts won't get you a quicker reply so quit posting and be patient.

What can I say about Lexmark?

What indeed?

Not exactly at the top of the range of printers but whatever, somebody may have an answer :)
People have reported success by doing the following:

1) Put your XP CD in the CD Drive.

2) Start > Run > EXPAND /r "TheCDDriveLetter"\i386
\SPOOLSV.EX_ C:\Windows\System32

3) Start > Run SPOOLSV.EXE /install
Then went into services and started the Print Spooler
manually. When rebooting, it now starts. I'm guessing
it was a corrupted spool file.