Windows 7 Spooler Errors 1813 and 1053

May 5, 2010
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Has anyone out there had any problems with printers quitting?

There seems to be a widespread problem with the Spooler in the Services stopping and not being able to be restarted.

Has anyone comme up with a fix that works yet?

I have been scanning around other forums in the past month or so and hopefully coming up with answers soon, but I would like others to put their twopennorth in before I finish what has become a project.

Please let me know on this thread as soon as possible.
muckshifter said:


I've done all that - that's what I mean when I've been scanning around. All this is is a repeat of what I've done already.

I am looking for users who have either had the problem themselves or know of someone who has had the problem and have found a solution or who are in the process of finding one.

Googling etc. around for the problem is the easy bit!
OK - I'll rephrase.

Is there any intelligent people out there who are prepared to help others who aren't as knowledgable in the field of computers and peripherals and the software that is written to enable them to work.

No stupid answers please.

That includes floppybootstomp or whatever you call yourself.
Barneyboy48 said:
No stupid answers please.

That includes floppybootstomp or whatever you call yourself.

Approaching getting help with your last post is more likely to turn users away than dedicate time to helping you solve this problem.

Barneyboy48 said:
I've done all that - that's what I mean when I've been scanning around. All this is is a repeat of what I've done already.

Have you tried the suggestions listed in the first link that Muckshifter posted? If so, which suggestions have you already tried? (driver re-install, SFC /scannow, service dependancy checking, system restore?).

We'll need to know more about your problem if you'd like more detailed help. We don't know the printer model in question, or how it connects - if you can provide this information it may be able to help us help you.
Ok Barneyboy, no more stupid answers.

You will find during this short life that a sense of humour will enable an easier pathway in most cases.

As for intelligence, dunno really, I was once the village halfwit but last week I was promoted to full village idiot.

Impressive eh?

Good luck with your problem.
... have a nice day

oh, I'm terribly sorry old bean, didn't know you have tried every trick in the book ...

your "problem" will be a USB printer of inferior make & model, one MS have not written drivers for and as such your stuck with the manufactures poor choice of words for what they call a driver ... you do have a PC attached to this spooler error, no?

Has anyone comme up with a fix that works yet?
yep, I have personally tried & tested ... Linux :lol:
