Spontaneously Forwards when I press Back

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The problem is this. Whenever I press the BACK button on the internet explorer (IE6), and if during that duration a new popup appears, then the internet explorer will FORWARD to the page that I was on before I pressed the BACK button.

I have tried reinstallation.
There just might be some parasites in Paradise.

Try this: Tools > Internet Options > Advanced > Browsing
Uncheck the Enable 3rd party browser extensions

If this clears your problem then find out who the culprit(s) is/are with
these tools.

Let AD-Aware Scan your system for advertising Spyware

If you use a HOSTS file, beware of this new issue.
Ad-Aware has decided to include a new detection when scanning the HOSTS
file. This now creates a "Bad hosts file entry" in the log file generated at
the end of a scan. The best thing to do is to place a check in each entry,
right-click and select: "Add selection to ignorelist". Otherwise if you let
AWW "fix" these items it will trash the HOSTS file! Even if you have it
"locked" by [example] SpywareBlaster or Winpatrol. It does not return the
attributes and renames the HOSTS file incorrectly to hosts.



p.s Reset the 3rd party browser setting.

More: This may be caused by a third-party program (adware, spyware,
Get AdAware and SpyBot and run them both. Keep them up to date.
Dealing with Unwanted Spyware, Parasites, Toolbars and Search Engines

Additional link:

You may need this removal tool.
More: Complete list by variant with up-to-date information.
More: Removal tool: http://www.spywareinfo.com/~merijn/files/CWShredder.exe

CWShredder - Tutorial

Before trying to remove spyware, download a copy of LSPFIX from
the URL below - some malware may kill your internet connection when it is
removed, this program will enable you to regain your connection.
http://www.spychecker.com/program/winsockxpfix.html (if your OS is Win2k or

Important: "So how did I get infected in the first place?"


Henri Leboeuf
Web page: http://www.colba.net/~hlebo49/index.htm
Yim said:
The problem is this. Whenever I press the BACK button on the internet
explorer (IE6), and if during that duration a new popup appears, then the
internet explorer will FORWARD to the page that I was on before I pressed
the BACK button.
Yim said:
The problem is this. Whenever I press the BACK button on the internet
explorer (IE6), and if during that duration a new popup appears, then the
internet explorer will FORWARD to the page that I was on before
I pressed the BACK button.

What are are describing is normal in some cases.
E.g. you are pressing Back and hitting a page which did an redirect
to the page you started from. You could try quickly pressing Stop
(e.g. Esc) before the page with the redirect finishes rendering and
then press Back again to get to the page you were thinking of.

Alternatively instead of using the Back button but still using the browse
stack use either the View, Go to command (Alt-V,o) or click on the
down arrow icon on the Back button and use its menu of previous links.

If this is something that you need to do frequently a better choice IMO
is not to let yourself get into that circumstance at all but instead launch
the link in a new window (e.g. press Shift when using the link or right-click
on it and choose Open in New Windodw). Then instead of going back
all you need to do is close the window or, if you want to retain the content
in that window switch back to the launching window (e.g. by pressing Alt-Tab)
A side benefit of doing it that way is that you will usually find that your
position in the window is retained.


Robert Aldwinckle
However, if I use FIREFOX, the problem does not exist. And in any case, this kind of thing did not happen 2 months ago even in the same websites.
this kind of thing did not happen 2 months ago even in the same websites.

Time passes. Sites change. ;)

Do you have an example link?