Spontaneous Reboots



I have a friend who recently atarted running a 3.06Ghz
Processor (pentium) on a new motherboard with 1gb of
memory. (processor MoBo and memory are new). He has
experinced spontaneous reboots at random tims ever sicne
then. The HD was formatted prior to the system set up and
he installed win xp hom edition, then the updates.. then
the drivers for his various components. All drivers and
directX are at there most recent versions and XP is
compltely updated.

Has anyone experienced a problem like this and found a
fix for it? Windows will sometimes provide an error log
and it says the winxp has failed to start a certain
device sicne the device was not working properly. It wont
tell what device this is though.

Here is the second curious thing: Under the device
manager it lists his processor twice. Is this normal for
a single processor. I dont think so. I plan to go into
safe mode at his PC and remove the ectra processor that
is listed.

ANY advice on any of the issues or my plan of action
would be greatly appreciated.

Marc G


He might have to upgrade his power supply. Mine rebooted as well while I
had a 300 & a 350 power supply. I am now using a 400 and so far so good, no
reboots. This is an AMD though on a K7S5A mobo.


He is running a 400 watt power supply.

-----Original Message-----
He might have to upgrade his power supply. Mine rebooted as well while I
had a 300 & a 350 power supply. I am now using a 400 and so far so good, no
reboots. This is an AMD though on a K7S5A mobo.



I don;t really want to flash the bios. He could, but
flahsing the bios can easily result in destroying the



You could try unchecking the "automatically restart
checkbox" under "startup and recovery" tab in "system
I had the same problem after building my own system from
scratch a year ago...I have winxp and win2000 on two
separate disks and unchecked the "automatic reboot" in
both systems and they have been running stable since then.
If it's an RPC stop in XP it could be the blaster
worm..just a thought!!

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