You should also ask them who the mfg/formulator of the ink they sell and
post that back.
At this point, it's irrelevant. I've done enough reading books &
lurking in this NG to know that 3rd party inks are widely accepted,
even on the commercial level. Give it a rest, Sir. It's the old
"socialized medicine" scare tactic that you use.
I have not seen a full disclosure of what they are selling on their website.
Again, irrelevant. 3rd party ink suppliers would not be in business
for this long if their inks were as inferior and problematical as you
continually suggest. This NG would be the first to alert users about
defects in 3rd party inks. In about a year of lurking & occasionally
posting in this NG, I have yet to read a single significant complaint
about 3rd party inks. Your complaints have not been significant.
I ordered an MIS CFS system, today, for my Epson 1280. Maybe Epson
should take the hint & start offering competing CFS systems for their
printers. If Epson offered prefilled spongeless carts in a CFS for the
1280 like MIS does, I'd probably go for it, even at some higher cost.
Epson doesn't, so I don't.
Give it up, Measekite. You're fighting a lost battle. People like me
want to produce quality inkjet photographic prints as cheaply as
possible. If the quality isn't there, that would be an issue, but so
far, I haven't read or seen that as an issue. 3rd party inks, as well
as 3rd party papers, are a fact of life, now. Get over it. It's good
that Epson, HP, Canon, etc., have this competition. After all, it's
the American Way!
Until I see on this NG damning testimony, other than yours, about 3rd
party inks, I'm going with the MIS CFS for my 1280. I'll keep this NG
posted as to failures/problems & ask for help, if needed. MIS will be
my first source for help. Successes, I won't waste my time posting.
I'm not into arguing.