Does anyone know how to quickly split a PowerPoint
presentation into independent Left - Center - Right files
intended to run simultaneously on its own independent PC?
I regularly deal with presentations that contain more than
300 slides. In PowerPoint 97, the quickest method was to
initiate slide sorter view to show 3 slides across each
row, 'lasso' and delete two columns of slides, then save
the remaining slides intended for one of the 3 screens.
My company recently upgraded to Office XP, which does not
have the 'lasso' function and I have been forced to use
many mouse clicks to split these files.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
presentation into independent Left - Center - Right files
intended to run simultaneously on its own independent PC?
I regularly deal with presentations that contain more than
300 slides. In PowerPoint 97, the quickest method was to
initiate slide sorter view to show 3 slides across each
row, 'lasso' and delete two columns of slides, then save
the remaining slides intended for one of the 3 screens.
My company recently upgraded to Office XP, which does not
have the 'lasso' function and I have been forced to use
many mouse clicks to split these files.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,