TED said:
I am trying to split a single field that has multiple part numbers with a comma
deliminator within it to multiple fields. Currently I can get the the first part by
using the left function, last part by useing right function. I need to extract the
part numbers in the middle.
Hi Ted,
In addition to Jon's sage advise,
here be a function adapted from
one Dirk kindly provided on this ng
(if you are using Access 200x).
'*** start of code ***
Function fNthElement( _
KeyString As Variant, _
Optional Delimiter As String = ";", _
Optional ElementNo As Integer = 1) _
As Variant
'Splits KeyString into "ElementNo" of strings
'separating out by Delimiter and
'Returns "ElementNo"th string if it exists.
'Returns Null if KeyString
' - is null, zero-length string, or all spaces
' - does not contain Delimiter
' - ends with Delimiter
' - cannot be split into "ElementNo" of strings
On Error GoTo Err_fNthElement
Dim arrSegments As Variant
If Len(Trim(KeyString & "")) > 0 _
And InStr(KeyString, Delimiter) > 0 _
And Right(KeyString, 1) <> Delimiter Then
arrSegments = Split(KeyString, Delimiter, -1, vbTextCompare)
If ((ElementNo - 1) <= UBound(arrSegments)) _
And (ElementNo > 0) Then
fNthElement = arrSegments(ElementNo - 1)
fNthElement = Null
End If
fNthElement = Null
End If
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_fNthElement
End Function
'*** end of code ***
Save the function above in a module
(if you are creating a new module,
please name your module as anything
other than "fNthElement")
In your query, to find 2nd segment in your field (say "f1")
fNthElement([f1], ",", 2) As 2ndSeg
FROM ...
Please note cases where it will return Null.
Good luck,
Gary Walter