splitting a database

  • Thread starter Thread starter kim
  • Start date Start date


I just started using access and read some advice on splitting
a database between it's tables and it's objects.
After reading that I decided to check the help that comes
with access.
Unfortunately, it IS my only real means of learning anything
besides this Newsgroup. However, many features, when I try
to use them, state that they are not installed. There isn't
anything I can do about that because I'm on a network, and
am unable to install anything that is missing.

To make a long story short, How do I split my database
Tony Toews has some stuff at
http://www.granite.ab.ca/access/splitapp/index.htm but in a nutshell:

1) Make 2 copies of your database. For the ensuing discussion, call them
FE.mdb and BE.mdb
2) Delete all tables from FE.mdb
3) Delete all queries, forms, reports, macros and modules from BE.mdb
4) Compact both FE.mdb and BE.mdb
5) Open FE.mdb and select File | Get External Data | Link Tables from the
menu. Navigate to BE.mdb and select all of the tables.
Even though you may use Tony's method to split the database, you may run
into problems anyway. If you ever move the location of the Backend database,
you will need the Linked Table Manager. I would ask management or your
Network Admin to re-install Access 97 and install everything under the
Access selection. This will ensure any missing wizards will be available
when you need them.