Ref: Tim Ferguson 5/20 response to "Splitter - DAO - Error
In the referenced response it was correctly pointed out
that dbOpenTable does not work when working with linked
tables. He went on to say "It's a good idea to use a
SELECT query rather than a table name too: there really is
normally no reason to open a whole table."
I was able to open the link following his instructions but
continued to run into problems with code that looked
something like this:
SQLstatement = "SELECT [Bio_Recid] FROM [Applicant
Biographical] WERE [Bio_Recid] = cboBio_Recid"
Set rstAB = CurDB.OpenRecordset (SQLstatement)
I kept getting a "Too few parameters. Expected 1" error
message until I took off the WHERE clause. I did some
research and found the following from MVP Larry
Linson: "Alas, Access front-ends do lose track of the
record when you use the server equivalent of AutoNumber."
I think the WHERE clause didn't work because I was using
linked tables and Bio_Recid is an autonumber field.
Although I think I can work around this, the code has
gotten really ugly at this point. For example,
SQLstatement = "SELECT * FROM [Applicant Biographical]"
Set rstAB = CurDB.OpenRecordset (SQLstatement)
With rstAB
While Not Bio_Recid = Me!cboBio_Recid2
If .EOF = True then
blnFlag = False
End If
There has to be a better way! Any suggestions on this
would be appreciated (and, yes, I am 'not' working as a
programmer for my living).
In the referenced response it was correctly pointed out
that dbOpenTable does not work when working with linked
tables. He went on to say "It's a good idea to use a
SELECT query rather than a table name too: there really is
normally no reason to open a whole table."
I was able to open the link following his instructions but
continued to run into problems with code that looked
something like this:
SQLstatement = "SELECT [Bio_Recid] FROM [Applicant
Biographical] WERE [Bio_Recid] = cboBio_Recid"
Set rstAB = CurDB.OpenRecordset (SQLstatement)
I kept getting a "Too few parameters. Expected 1" error
message until I took off the WHERE clause. I did some
research and found the following from MVP Larry
Linson: "Alas, Access front-ends do lose track of the
record when you use the server equivalent of AutoNumber."
I think the WHERE clause didn't work because I was using
linked tables and Bio_Recid is an autonumber field.
Although I think I can work around this, the code has
gotten really ugly at this point. For example,
SQLstatement = "SELECT * FROM [Applicant Biographical]"
Set rstAB = CurDB.OpenRecordset (SQLstatement)
With rstAB
While Not Bio_Recid = Me!cboBio_Recid2
If .EOF = True then
blnFlag = False
End If
There has to be a better way! Any suggestions on this
would be appreciated (and, yes, I am 'not' working as a
programmer for my living).